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*Jensen's POV*

''Cut! Nice work everybody, now enjoy your weekend guys. See you all Monday morning. "Finally, this week had passed and we got two whole days off the set. This week had been the longest ever. After a bad start, both with creepy stalkers, and people calling in sick at work, we had to do a lot of overtime to catch up.

''Hey there bud, what u gonna do this weekend? Hang with Charlotte, I guess?'' Jared asked excited as he ran up to me.
''Well, actually I don't know.. She's been really quiet all week. Haven't seen her since she ran off Tuesday morning. She barely answer my texts.'' I answered with a lot of confusion myself.

I got home around 3pm, and got into the shower, really had to use my nails to get all the mud out of the hair.
I put on some music and started cleaning the kitchen, it was a total mess after this week. Nothing else than Charlotte had been on my mind the last few days, so nothing else had mattered.

Now I really realized why I had given up on girls and a love life. For the first time in four years I actually had feelings for someone, and then it goes straight to hell, she just runs off in that way.

I decided to give her one last chance, and started typing her a text message. I hit the delete button several times and started over with a new sentence every time.

*Hey there stranger. U want some dinner and a movie tonight? I'll cook, haha. Hugs*

''Okey, that will do, I'm sending it'' I told myself as I hit send.

I finished up in the kitchen and went to the bedroom to get a little powernap and catch up on a little sleep. As I hoped Charlotte would give me a positive answer, I figured I needed a little rest so I wouldn't fall asleep in her company. I set the alarm for 5pm and closed my eyes.

After what felt like only 10 minutes I woke up by my phone, it was a text from Charlotte.
*Oh, I'm a stranger now? Sorry, I've promised Ina a girls-night-out 2day. Maybe someday next week?*

It suddenly hit me, she wasn't interested, and was totally avoiding me. It must have been just a one-night stand for her. Had all my one-night stands felt like I did now?

I actually got scared of the feelings I had developed for her, as I had never felt anything like this before. I really liked her, and she was on my mind all the time, no matter what I did. I just wanted to see her, hold her, be with her, and I felt this big urge to protect her.

It felt like I loved her already, after only a few weeks.
But I was just a one night stand for her.

*My Pov*

It was now 5pm and finally, finally, the song was finished! I had spent the last hour in the studio with Jack just going through the song repeatedly, and now it was perfect!

I had called Tyler and Jessica and asked them to come by the studio so they could listen to the song, so they could tell me their thoughts of it.

After a little while, they were in the studio and had listened to the song. Tyler seemed so happy about the song, I thought for a moment that he was going to cry, but he managed to keep the tears to himself.

''This song is amazing, this is amazing! I'm sure this song is going to take the whole world with a blast!'' Tyler said, and I could tell Jessica agreed with him.

I couldn't believe that the song was ready to be published. I had never been this excited and happy about anything my entire life, this was huge!

This week went by so fast. I had spent every day in the studio, working 10-12 hours a day, and when I was sleeping at night, I kept dreaming about the song, silly, I know.

''We have worked hard on some songs while you have been busy recording Don't Let Me Down. So after the weekend you'll have to take a look at them'' Jessica said. Jessica and Tyler were both great. They gave me good advices and they were great writers.

''Cool, I can't wait'' I replied to them, and gave them a huge smile.

They left the studio, so it was only me and Jack left now. I walked towards jack to say goodbye to him, before I got ready for my weekend.

''Charlotte, today you go out and celebrate, use this weekend to rest and charge your batteries, you have deserved that. On Monday I have arranged for you to go on an interview on WHTZ-FM – radio station. I talked to them today, and they wanted a new face there. So they will interview you, and also play your song. I have also talked to several other stations that wants to play your song, and this will all happen on Monday. It will be the day when we release your song on YouTube/Spotify/iTunes. How does that sound to you?'' Jack asked me, and looked at me curiously.

''That's perfect!'' I almost half-shouted to him in excitement.

I left the studio and drove to toby's bar. He had texted Ina earlier in the day, asking her to come over. So I had to go there to pick her up.

When I got to the bar I could see Ina and Toby sitting at a table close to the bar. They seemed to be discussing something.

''Hey you guys'' I said, and smiled at them. They didn't even seem to notice that I had walked in the bar, they were both caught up in the discussion.

''Hey Charlotte'' they both replied at the same time.

I sat down with them and asked them what was going on. Apparently, Toby had asked Ina if she was interested in working with him, as his bar manager. She had accepted the offer and decided to move here to stay with me, and to work for Toby. This had to be one of the best days in my life. My song was finished, I was told I'm going to be on the radio on Monday, and Ina was going to move here. How many good news could one person get in just one day, I thought to myself.

Well, this deserves a celebration! You are moving here with me, and my song got finished today! So let's go out for a few drinks to celebrate!'' I shouted to Ina. Feeling super happy and super excited about the next couple of days, or weeks even.

Ina agreed with me, I didn't have to ask her twice to go out on a 'girls-night-out' with me.

After a few hours, we had both showered and done our makeup and gotten dressed. We were now both ready to go out and celebrate. We took a cab to Toby's bar. It seemed to be crowded there already, even though it was only 9pm.

We sat in the bar for hours, just talking and drinking, just enjoying ourselves really. Toby was making sure that our glasses were never empty, and Ina was now officially the 'queen of shots'. I had lost the count of all the shots she had brought to us.

As the time went by, I couldn't help myself to think of Jensen. I had told him I was going out with Ina, so I guess some part of me was hoping he would show up here but I guess he wasn't keen.

''Earth to Charlotte'' Ina said to me, totally interrupting my thoughts. ''What's up'' I answered her. Looking at her in a somewhat confusion.

''Just text him already, it's so obvious what you're thinking of'' she replied to me. I guess she knew me too well.

''Do you think I should text him? I don't want to seem needy or anything'' I said. Trying to think if I should send Jensen a text or not. I could tell my body wanted to make contact with him more and more by every drink I took. Also it got harder and harder to hide my feelings away by every drink that went down.

After arguing with Ina for probably about 10 minutes, whether or not I should text Jensen, she ended up winning the discussion. She was probably right anyway. I wanted to talk to him and I wanted to see him, so why couldn't I just allow myself to do so.

I took up my phone, found Jensen's number and did my best to send him a proper text without 100 typos, due to the drinks and shots I had taken.

*To Jensen*'' Hey are u awake? I need to talk to you. I'm ordering a cab now and coming to your place. The door better be open, or I will open it. Open the door. Omw'' and the text was sent.

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