Chapter 5

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As we got to the cinema we noticed there wasn't many people there. Jensen and Jared wasn't there yet, so we decided to go and buy some popcorn and tickets while we waited for them.

We got tickets at the front row, because Ina insisted on sitting at the front. She always wanted to sit at the front rows, just in case she'd end up having a 'shrek' in front of her, so she couldn't see anything.

To be honest, I kind of felt it the same way. I wasn't the tallest person on this earth, so it wouldn't take that much of a tall person to cover the whole screen for me, if he was in front of me.

After a little while we saw 3 handsome guys walking down the stairs to the cinema. I only recognized 2 of them, as it was Jared and Jensen. The 3rd person I didn't know who was, but he looked nice too. He had short, blackish hair, and was on the same size as Jensen.

They walked up next to us, and they all smiled at us. Jensen walked next to me and gave me a big smile. ''Hey darling'' he said, then leaned forward to give me a hug. I could feel my heartbeat raise as his chin touched mine. There was something about this guy that made me feel like a little kid when he met his crush for his first date or something.

The man I didn't know who was suddenly started coughing. Jensen let go of me and turned his head towards him. '' Oh, I'm sorry. This is Misha, he plays on supernatural with us'' he said to me and Ina. Both me and ina looked at eachother with a surprised/shocked face on. '' I think you forgot to mention to me that they're tv-stars'' Ina said to me, with a somewhat weird look.

I looked back at her with the same look as she gave me and replied '' I actually didn't know, so you'll have to thank Jensen for that. He never told me about that'' this time i went to give Jensen an annoyed look.

I can't believe I had no idea he was a TV star. I had no idea who he really was, but I never really cared. Tv star or no tv star, he was still good looking and a caring person in my eyes.

Jensen looked back at me while he was smiling a little. '' Yeah I forgot to tell you that. Not that it's a big deal. It just means I sometimes have long work hours.'' He replied to us, and I couldn't help but returning the smile he gave to me.

After a while we went inside to watch the movie. There was really few people here. My guess would be 10 people and that was including us.

This is how we sat at the cinema. Ina, me, Jensen, Jared and Misha.

The film was quite scary for my taste. I never really watched horror movies, and that was because I was easily scared. Jensen seemed to notice I was a little worried, so he took my hand and held it during the whole movie. It felt nice, and it made me feel more safe.

After the movie Jensen had asked us to go back to his place for a few drinks, and we were all up for it.

We went to his place, and he started mixing drink for us at his bar.

He owned a big house. I'm sure a family of 10 could easily live here without any problems I guess that's how superstars live, I thought to myself.

We all sat in the living room while Jensen was in the kitchen making us drinks.

I sat in a couch for myself. Jared sat on a chair, and Misha and Ina shared another couch. Misha and ina seemed to be in the middle of a very insterresting conversation, at least they had seemed to connect easy.

Jensen came to the living room with 5 drinks on a plate, + some shots for each of us. I didn't really fancy shots all that much, it had never really been my cup of tea, nor would it ever be.

''How long are you staying here for?'' I could hear Misha ask Ina from the other side of the table. They had been chatting all evening. I found myself sitting there just sneaking in on they're conversation until Jensen poked me. ''You ok hun?'' he asked me as he let out a smile.

'' Yeah I'm okay thanks. Actually, I'm more than okay'' I replied to him, and returned the smile. It was funny to think of how i had been living here for only a couple of days, but it had been some great days.

When the clock was 2am Jared told us he had to go home. His wife had to go to a meeting in the morning, so he would have to wake up to take care of his kids early on.

''Bye ya'll, thanks for a lovely evening'' he said, as he walked out the door.

Jensen had left the livingroom, and it was only me left in the couch. Ina and Misha had gone out for some fresh air, as Misha didn't feel too well.

When Jensen got back he had a guitar with him. '' Do you play?'' I asked, as I was really surprised he had a guitar in his house.

''A little. I'ts kinda of a hobby you could say.'' he replied to my question. He sat down on the couch next to me, and started playing

''You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful it's true'' I could feel myself melt from the inside. His voice was so beautiful, and the way he looked at me while he was playing, it made me fall for him. I couldn't help myself, but I hadn't felt like this in ages, if I had ever felt it like this ( I wasn't entirely sure about that)

*ring* I looked at my phone as it made a beep noice, due to I got a txt message. It was from Ina. What have she gotten herself into this time? I thought to myself, as I opened up my phone.

Ina: I'm taking Misha home, then I'm crashing at you're place. U stay with Jensen tonite, and i'll pick u up in the morning;) x'' The text from her said.

I couldn't stay here when i had only known him for a few days, but then again it kind of felt right. Nothing had ever felt this right in my life before, so maybe I should just crash here, I thought to myself.

Jensen stopped singing and looked at me '' who's texting you? and is everything good?'' He asked.

I looked back at him and smiled'' It was Ina. She had to take Misha home, I think he was slightly drunk'' I answered him, and let out a little laugh.

Jensen just laughed with me. ''Yeah, he is a bit lightheaded and get drunk quite fast'' he said, while he was still laughing.

It was only me and Jensen left here now, and Jensen was still picking some chords on his quitar, but he wasn't singing now.

I let out a little yawn after a while, as I could feel myself starting to get more and more tired. It was starting to get late, but I was enjoying myself very much.

Jensen seemed to notice my yawns. ''If you're very tired you could just crash here. I won't try anything, you have my word'' he said, while he laughed to the last part of the sentence he said.

''That would actually be very nice'' I said back to him, and smiled.

Jensen walked me upsairs to his bedroom, and told me I could only sleep on the left side on the bed, because the right side was apparently his best side to sleep at.

I walked towards his bed, but suddenly Jensen grabbed me from behind, and reached for my hand.

I turned around to face him, and I felt his lips connect to mine. . . .

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