The Mall

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*Jensen's POV*

I woke up to my phone ringing. It felt like i'd only slept for a few hours only, I could barely keep my eyes open.
I found my phone under my pillow, and saw it was Jared calling.
"Yes?" I said, realizing listening to the crows trying to sing hallelujah would sound better than what my voice did now.
"How are you man? What happened last night with you and Charlotte? Just another typical get-laid night for you?" Jared asked, and i could hear his laugh but at the same time he was sighing at me.

Jared and his wife Gen got this idea of me. The idea that all i do with women is taking them home for a night, then kicking them out the day after, and never let them hear from me again. But i guess that's what i've done the past few years. So I can't really blame them.

"Nothing happened, Jared. We just spent the night talking, and then I walked her home". I replied to him, knowing he probably wouldn't believe that for a second, but that was the truth.
"Ha-ha, right. Whatever you say man, just be carefull alright? I'm picking you up later man, we're going to the cinema to watch that horror thing at 6."

"Ok bud, I'll be ready then" I replied to him, and hung up.
It was still early, or atleast it was early considering what time I had gone to bed last night.
It was 12 o clock so I decided to get up even though I probably should get 1-2 hours more sleep.

I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I kept thinking about what Jared said on the phone about Charlotte. He thought I had went to her place last night, and a part of me wished I did, but I didn't.

I knew for sure there was somehing special with her, if not, I wouldn't be thinking of her the day after we met. Usually I met the women, took them home, and then forgot about them. But this time I couldn't. I couldn't shake her off my mind, and quite frankly that scared me a little. I wasn't used to having this feeling.

When I was done showering, I got dressed, and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I decided eggs and bacon would be nice to have today.

*My POV*

*knock, knock, knock!*
I woke up to my door getting beaten up, or atleast that's what it sounded like. I put a shorts on and a t-shirt and went to open the door.
"Surprise you sparkling marshmallow kitten!" Ina shouted when I opened the door. Ina was one of my best friends from Norway, and she was also my stephsister.

I looked at her with my happyface on. " oh my god! What are you doing here? And how did you even find my apartment" i said, while i was still super happy and surprised to see her here.

Ina looked at me and was atleast as happy as I was to be here. "Your dad told me how i could come in touch wih Jack, and Jack drove me a map here, and here I am" she replied to my question.

We went inside and decided to get something to eat. Ina was more the cook than me, so she mixed up some food while i was making up songs while playing guitar.

When the macoroni and cheese was made, we sat for probably one hour, just chatting the typical gibberish talk like we always did. I also had to tell Ina all about Jensen, and what happened last night, and she seemed surprised, but also happy for me.

A few hours later we decided to go to the town and do some shopping, just another typical thing we'd usually do.

*Jensens POV*

We decided to go to a McDonalds before the movie to grab some easy dinner. It was 1 hour until the movie started, and we just sat there talking and eating.

McDonalds was inside a mall. There was loads of stores here. This was the main place people went to when they wanted to shop or just when they needed to waste a few hours just meeting or looking at people.

The mall was rather quiet today, there wasn't many people here, just a few people passing us every now and then.
"Dude, you have been really distant today, what's up man?" Jared said, while i was staring at the enterance of McDonalds.
I looked at him and said "I don't know, I guess it's nothing." Jared just looked back at me in a weird way. I guess I can't fool him that easy.

The truth was that most of the day I had spent thinking of Charlotte, and I was still doing that. Inside my head there was a debate going on. Call her or not call her, that debate had been going on inside my head all day, and frankly, it was driving me crazy.

"It's the girl, isn't it? You obviously like her in some way. Why don't you just text her? There's no harm in that." Jared replied to me, but this time he was smiling. Guess he was just trying to be a good friend.

I did as Jared told me, I took up my phone and texted her.

Me: Hey. How you feeling today? Got any plans later? -Jensen

I put my phone down, and waited for reply while i watched Jared finish of his burger.
After a little while i heard my phone ring. Wow i thought to myself, that didn't take too long.

*Charlotte message*
"I'm good thanks:) I'm just at the mall shopping with a friend, gonna head home soon."
This whole time she had been at the mall too.

"So what she say?" Jared asked, interrupting my thinking.
"She's at the mall with a friend, but they're about to head home" I replied to him, with a somewhat dissappointing look on my face.
"So why don't you just ask them to watch the movie with us? Im sure they love horrors" Jard asked, while he was laughing to what he said.

That wasn't a bad idea to be honest. Maybe i should invite her, or them to go wih us. That way it wouldn't really be an official date or anything, just friends hanging out, or something like that.

I took my phone back up and replied to her in a text
:" Awesome! Wanna go to the cinema with me and Jared? It starts in 20 mins. It's a horror though, but i'll keep ya safe;)"
i sent the message, and put my phone down again.

*My POV*

"So what's he saying?!" Ina asked while she was excited and happy for me.
"He asked if we want to go to the cinema with him and a friend?" I said and kind of asked her if she wanted to go, both at the same time.
"Yes oh yes. We are going" Ina replied to me, there wasn't even a doubt about it.
We walked towards the cinema to wait for them there.

1 in a million (Jensen ackles love story)Where stories live. Discover now