Stanley Park

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After a little dinner and a powernap, I decided some fresh air would do me good. Ina was nowhere around home, so I had to go alone, but I was ok with that.

The creepy man from last night was probably scared to hell by the police anyway. When I first started talking to my manager Jack, he had told me about this amazing park in Vancouver - Stanley Park, and I figured that park would be perfect. As it was quite late in the day, it was pretty dark outside.

I was all alone in the park, listening to the new song from Charlie Puth - one call away. Of course with Jensen on my mind the entire time. "This was a terrible idea," I thought to myself after walking in the woods for a while. The feeling that someone was staring at me would not go away, even though I had scanned the area several times.

''It was 9.30 pm, and I was in the woods, who was supposed to be there?'' I thought to myself, as I kept walking further in. I found myself lost in the moment sometimes because it was so beautiful here.

"Hey Charlotte, nice to see you again." Who the fuck was that? I could only see the reflection of someone under the moonlight. The dark clothes didn't exactly help. "Oh don't you be scared. I like you, and I won't hurt you if you could only listen to me and do as I say." a deep voice said.

OMG, it was him! How did he find me here? Jensen was at the doctor with Mr. Jared Clumsy, so he couldn't save me this time. "GO AWAY!" I shouted, knowing that that wouldn't help me one bit.

"My beautiful slut, relax, you are my little darling now. That fuckboy of yours, Jensen, won't be able to save your sexy little ass anymore. I've taken care of him,so we dont have to worry, he won't interrupt our lovestory anymore." The creepy man said as he took some steps toward me, so close he could almost touch me. "No, go away, go away..." I begged..

"Charlotte" I heard him say my name as I screamed, and he put his arm around my mouth. The other holding a knife to my neck. I kept screaming and screaming, but not a sound came out my mouth. It was just silence.

I kept trying to scream, until suddenly I heard someone shout: "Charlotte, come on" "Charlotte" "My beautiful, wake up" When i finally opened my eyes, I saw Jensen sitting beside me. Kissed me with those soft, delightful lips. ''What happened?'' I asked him, while I could still feel my body shake.

"Babygirl, you had a nightmare, it's ok now, you're ok. You are with me and I will never let anything happen to you. I promise you that. Come here now." Jensen's calmly voice had never felt better, and I crawled into his arms, the safest place ever.

My phone decided to interrupt my moment with Jensen, and started beeping. It was Ina texting me. *Hey,hope u're ok. I crashed at Toby's last night. Jack's on his was to pick me up. I bought some ice tea and cookies. We'll be there in 30 mins, u better not be naked. X*

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