Chapter 1 Moving

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I woke up at 07.00 to my alarm ringing like a bitch, yeah, I've never really been one of them A-people/the morningbirds kind of people, so I always whined when i had to wake up early.
It was Thursday today, and today was the day when I was finally moving to Vancouver and finally after all this time I'm leaving Norway.
My family is so proud of me because i'm finally getting somewhere with my music, even if it's just the beginning, at least it is something.
I went to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. My flight was going in 3 hours, so I had to get ready. My bags, my guitars and everything else that I needed was already packed, so I was somewhat ready.

*3 hours later*

I was now on the flight. I had said my goodbyes to my family, and my dad, who took me to the airport. I was sat next to an older woman, and an older man. My guess would be that they were married, becauce they kept arguing about nonsense stuff. I decided to put some music on, and try to get some sleep. It would be a long flight

After what seemed like a lifetime, I woke up to hearing the captain speak over the speakers. "Dear passengers. We are about 30 minutes away from landing. The weather is very nice in Vancouver, it's about 25•C. I thank you all for flying with us, i hope you all had a pleasent fligh. Hope to see you all again soon."
'Woah', i thought to myself. I must of been asleep for ages, this flight didn't even take half as long as I expected it would!
I went to get my bags and guitars as soon as the flight had landed. I didn't have to wait very long until I got it. The airport was full of people, so it kind of stressed me out.
When i got outside I met my new manager/producer. He was waiting for me in his car. He had short, dark hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me as i walked towards the car, and he walked out and met me half way.
"It is so nice to finally meet you in person, Charlotte! You look absolutely stunning, just as i iimagined you would, seeing as you did on your youtube videos"
I could feel myself starting to blush a little, but i had never been very good when it came to compliments. "Thank you so much,Jack! It is a true blessing to be here and i'm very excited about it"
He took my guitars and bags and put them in his SUV.

After 30 minutes of driving we were at my apartment. This place looked awesome! It wasn't very big, but it was perfect for me.
"So are you gonna be ok for now, Charlotte? There are already furnitures here, and it's newly designed. I know it isn't the best, but i hope it will do for now" Jack looked a little nervous as he asked me.
"Yeah, this is perfect for me, thank you! If you don't mind i would like to pack out my stuff now, and just get an early night. All this travelling has made me tired".

"That's no problem at all. I got some things i need to sort today, but i'll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can set you up for a little bar my brother owns. I think it would be nice for you to get to meet new people and also you get to do what you love the most, singing infront of people, even if some of them might be slightly drunk" he said with a sense of humor in his tone.
It made me giggle a little. It was true though. I loved performing, even if it was in front of drunk people. And people at all would do. " That sounds great! I can't wait" I replied as i smiled. I should be greatful i had ears, otherwise i'm sure my smile would of gone all the way around.
"Awesome, I'll se you tomorrow then" he said as he walked out to his car and drove off.

I went to the bathroom to get ready for an early night. I was so excited to play for the first time in front of an audience that wasn't just norwegian people, and the same bunch i usually played for.

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