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*My POV*

I had played my last song for the evening, the clock was now 3am and most of the people had left the pub. I went backstage to put my guitar down and get ready to head home.

As I went through the door from the backstage area, an older man walked towards me. He looked a bit creepy to be honest. I tried to avoid eyecontact with him as much as posible.

Suddenly I could feel him grabbing my arm, and pulling me close to him.
"Hey sexy, you're comming home with me tonight." He said while he held me, it was now starting to hurt.

"First of all, let go of me! Second of all, I ain't going home with nobody tonight, so just go away! I said with an angry tone in my voice; kind of half screaming.
The man just laughed at me and made the grip he had on my arm even harder. Now it was really starting to hurt.

He bent his head towards me, and before I knew it, I had slapped his face. " Don't you touch me!" I yelled out. But it seemed to do no good.

"Hey there you creepy son of a bitch!" Someone shouted at the older man. I turned my head around towards the direction of the voice I just heard, and I saw a familiar face. It was the man I noticed entering the pub just as I started singing Iris on stage.
The man punched the other man who was holding me in his face, and the man fell to the grown.

"Toby, get the security guards here, now!" The man shouted. And it took like 10 seconds until the security guards came and kicked the creepy man out of the place.

I looked at the man who helped me get rid of this bastard and smiled at him. "Thanks so much for that" I said, with an even bigger smile.

He looked me back in my eyes and returned the smile. " That was not how I wanted to meet you for the first time, but i'm glad I could help." He said, and he was still looking at me and smiling.

I just found myself staring at him now, and just as I was about to say something to him, he inerrupted me and said " I'm Jensen by the way. I just have to say that you really killed it on stage today! It was amazing" he was still looking in my eyes.

I had honestly never seen anyone this good looking before, so I found myself in a hypnose while looking at him.
Finally, after what seemed like a long time, I managed to reply to him "Thank you, i'm glad you liked it. I'm Charlotte, I just moved here from Norway. It's nice to meet you Jensen" I smiled once again at him.

We were just standing there for probably 20-30 minutes just chatting. None of us seemed to keep track of the time, but when a man called Jared came looking for Jensen, we realized we had been standing there talking for quite some time.
Jensen introduced us to eachother, and Jared seem to be a nice guy too.

Jared said goodbye to me and Jensen, he said he had to be up earlyish tomorrow, because of his kids.

"Do you wanna go to the bar and have a drink or summat? We don't have to stand here all night you know" Jensen said, while he was half smiling and half laughing.

I decided to take a look at the watch, I had no idea what time it was now. Not that it mattered too much, I didn't really have any plans in the morning.
The only plans I had made to myself was having a look around in the town, I didn't really know this place at all so..

The clock was now almost 5am, it was starting to get kind of late, but then again I was enjoying my self right now, and I was enjoying the company.

I looked back at Jensen "Sure, one last drink won't hurt." I replied to his question and quickly returned the half smile to him.

We went to the bar and sat down right next to it. Toby gave me a vodka battery, and Jensen got a beer. Toby then went to close the pub, so it was only me, Jensen and Toby here now.

Apparently the pub was ment to close at 4, but seeing as Toby was a friend of Jensen he let us stay for a bit longer.

Jensen asked me a lot of questions about Norway, my family, and how it was like to move here, and I returned some questions to him after I had replied to he's questions.

The time passed away, and we found ourselves still at the bar, just having a really good time. We both seemed to ignore what the time was, and we both didn't seem to mind at all.

When the time was closing up to 7am Toby came to us and said that we had to leave. He gave us a somewhat sorry look, but I didn't blame him. Afterall, he had kept the pub up for 3hours longer than it was ment to be up, just so we could sit there and talk.

I looked at Jensen and said "Well I guess it's time to leave. I'm gonna walk home now.
I've had a really great time, and it was nice to get to know you, Jensen"
I couldn't help but smile. I found myself smiling a lot since he kicked that man's ass earlier this night.

Jensen gave me an almost dissappointed look and said "Yeah I guess it's time to leave, even though I would like to stay a bit longer. At least let me walk you home?" He asked, and looked more serious now, but he smiled.

That made me think to myself for a little while. I didn't really like walking around this late at night alone, especially at places I didn't know yet. I had only been here for a day, so how much could i possible know by now? So i guessed some company walking me home would only do me good, it would actually do me a favour.

"Sure that would be nice, just let me grab my guitar and I'm ready" I replied.

I went backstage to get my guiar and then walked back to Jensen.
The walk took 20 minutes this time, while it only took me 10 minutes when I had walked to the pub earlier in the day.
I guess it took longer when we were chatting about all kind of things while walking.

We got to my apartment. It was all quiet around where I lived, except for some people driving around, I guess they had to work super early in the weekends.
"This is where I live, thanks again for tonight, it's been great'' I said.

Jensen just looked at me and smiled, this time his smile didn't seem to end. " I've had a great time too. It's actually been the best night out that I have ever had, and that's all thanks to you" he said to me, while he was still smiling.

I guess it was true. I couldn't remember last time I had a good time like this, at least not while sharing half of the night with someone else. But this wasn't just "someone" else. Jensen seemed so nice and caring, and on top of that he was unbelievable good looking.

"Maybe i'll see you again sometime?" I asked nervously, while looking at him.
Jensen just smiled back at me and replied
"I sure hope so. Here, type in your number?"
He reached out and gave me his phone, and I did as he asked me. I wrote in my number, and added me as a contact. I handed the phone back to Jensen, and he thanked me.

Suddenly I noticed Jensen leaning his head towards mine, and before I had any time to think, I could feel his lips connected to mine. It was not like any other kiss I've had before, this kiss was passionate and felt special. I could feel the sparks, and I could feel butterflies comming to live down in my stomach, that was also something I wasn't too familiar with.

When the kiss ended Jensen looked me in the eyes, while he was still holding his hands on my cheeks. "You are beautiful Charlotte. Sleep well and thanks again for tonight'' he said as he let his hands go, and started to walk up towards some place I guess was the direction towards the taxi's.

I was just standing there for a while watching him walk away. Just looking at he's almost perfect if not totally perfect body, until I couldn't see him any longer, and then I went inside.

When I got inside I quickly went to the bathroom to remove my makeup, and brush my teeths.
It didn't take me long until I was lying in my bed. It had been yet another long day, but this had been an awesome day, I thought to myself.

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