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Luca rushed out of the gym after hearing his name and everywhere was silent, everyone was afraid to break the silence that Jelena obviously caused so she did it herself "I'm going to ask again who the fuck is she?"

"Luca said she's some British girl" forty threw the bottle aside

"She's not important Jelena" Sloane was resting her head on Forty's thighs "she looks weird who gives a fuck"

"There is no way in hell that Luca would be interested in that thing" Jodieee snarled

"I never said he was" she turned and gave Jodieee the deadliest stare she had ever given, Jodieee looked like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. Jelena had a way of destroying someone with just her eyes and her energy, It was incredible. She got up and walked away, she could hear Marc yell her name but she was over them anyway.

Jelena had worked so hard to get everything she wanted and she hated feeling that someone had the power to take that away from her.

She walked around looking for Luca before bumping into someone "watch your fucking..." she paused for a second after looking up "oh, it's you"

"Where is your entourage?" Alex asked her almost laughing

"My friends?"

"Sure, call them that"

Jelena rolled her eyes and scanned the area, "what are you looking for ?" Alex asked while he leaned beside the admissions office, she didn't reply him but it didn't stop him from talking anyway "oh i see, Luca" he laughed

"Mind your business"

"He's busy with Elizabeth and the admissions offi-"

"Elizabeth?" she cut him off "why am I hearing her name more than I should all of a sudden"

"Are you feeling threatened?" he laughed again, she looked away feeling a bit embarrassed, "no way Lena, you are"

"I'm not, I'm just confused, when did she become so important? Who is she?"

"She just resumed today, what the hell is your issue" he crouched on the floor

"Alex, I know your brain lacks in some areas but struggle to keep up" she stood over him, she was so intimidating but she could never intimidate Alex, it was difficult to intimidate your own brother "the admissions office never lets any student show another one around, they don't care how you fit in, everyone finds their fucking way yes?" Alex nodded "and they made their star quarterback show her around, it's weird. Whitmore high doesn't care enough, who is she?"

"Honestly Jelena it's not this deep" he played with his socks "she's not going to steal your man"

Jelena quietly looked at him, then turned her face away "there's no way you would understand"

They both kept quiet for a second before Alex spoke "she might actually be my friend soon enough, just don't fuck it up for me like the last time"

Jelena wanted to say something before Luca and Elizabeth walked out of the admissions office laughing

Elizabeth paused to look at her and Jelena wanted to say something but she glanced at Alex and walked away

"Yo, Lena" Luca called after her "um thanks I'll see you in a bit" he smiled at Elizabeth and ran after Jelena "Lena chill"

Jelena kept walking until she reached the library and sat at her regular seat, Luca was chasing her and panting but she didn't stop, instead she sat down still and looked forward.

"What the hell" he stopped and sat next to her "what was that for?" she didn't reply, she just sat there "oh god Jelena, what is it now? Why is everything so difficult with you?", she kept quiet still but this time she shifted her gaze to him and it made him so uncomfortable.

"I didn't mean it like that" he was stammering "I-" he stopped and sighed "please talk to me"

"I'm difficult" her facial expression almost never changed, you could never tell if she was mad or angry or she didn't just care and it scared everyone, especially Luca "okay Luca"

"I didn't mean it that way"

"Explain then"

"It's so difficult to talk to you sometimes, I don't know when you're mad, angry, you don't talk to me, all you do is walk away. You're distant, moody, tired and honestly I-"

"We're fine" she smiled and kissed him

"But" he was so confused

"I just had a bad week, that's all" she got up and walked away. Luca sat there feeling defeated, he might not be able to read Jelena but he knew a fake smile when he saw one.

Little Touch of HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now