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By zjass06

Day 37, and Nico was still staring love hearts into the back of Solace's perfect, golden hair. He analysed just how soft it was, and god damn it looked almost too soft. Not only that but it seemed to have the perfect shape, the curls were more like waves, all somehow retaining the structure of a messy flop, the tips of some strands teasing at his forehead, a futile attempt at covering his shining eyes. Nico sighed dreamily, not realising how big of a mistake he had made.

"Nico, you literally look like a love sick school girl." Piper snapped her fingers in front of the slightly tranced boy, causing him to jump and swat her hand out of the way out of sheer reflex. "Seriously Nico, you look like you're about to drool."

Nico settled for swatting Piper's exposed, caramel skinned arms instead. She pouted in response but she shouldn't of really expected anything less of the Italian. Piper had been close friends with Nico for a few years now, she was fully aware with how angsty he could be, "Damn I know he's hot but he makes you go goo-goo eyes. Something I've never seen on you before."

The thing is he didn't even try to deny it, there was just this something about Will that Nico was so obsessed with and it was slowly descending him into madness. Gay or not, the blonde would never be into a guy like Nico, a guy who acted impulsive and gave the 'you look like you've just seen a ghost' a whole new, literal meaning.

"Either fuck off or tell me what to do," Nico muttered, a startled expression washing over Pipers features. Nico never asked for her help on relationships or guys or anything really. Even with Piper's constant hints and non consensual blind dates proving her to be a great wing woman, Nico was too stubborn to actually heed her advice.

But he was so fucking desperate now he'd probably even go to Leo for some kind of initiative, however he was still immensely grateful that Piper was at hand cause he still dreaded that Latino.

"So you're actually going to listen to me for once?" Nico shot her an irritated glare and Piper rolled her eyes in response. "Nico, no offence, but he probably doesn't even know you exist. You have to be more out there around him, force his attention onto you. Then, make your move on him. Be flirty Nico, not closeted."

And how the fuck do I do that? Was the last thing Nico thought before he turned to the Cherokee and asked for her help.


"Step 1 - Look the part"

Piper showed up at 7am on Nico's doorstep, having dragged Jason along with her, and knocked furiously on his door for an answer. The Italian answered groggily, clearly he only just got out of bed; easily seen through his even more messed hair and his tired, drooping eyes.

"Go shower Nico, we'll pick out your outfit," She said as she let herself and her boyfriend into his own house. She's having way too much fun with this, Nico sighed, but in the end, he knew it was his fault — he was the one who went to Piper first.

Still, this was a little more for what he bargained for. What he expected was a few tips, maybe even a piece of gum for extra fresh breath. Instead, he got an overexcited Piper who now demanded to see his closet right away.

Nico got out of the shower with a trail of steam following behind him. He wore his towel around his waist not seeing it as a problem with it around his straight, male best friend and female best friend who knew he was gay and pining.

Apparently, he was wrong.

"Damn Nico, when did you get abs?" Was Jason Grace's immediate reaction as the Italian walked back into his room. He chuckled as he saw Pipers eyebrows shoot higher than her hair line as she looked at her boyfriend incredulously. Jason raised his hands in surrender, "No homo," he confirmed, but now Nico wasn't so convinced. After all, he's caught Jason staring at Percy's ass more than once. But yet, at this point, who hasn't crushed on Percy at some point in their lives?

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