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By ThatOneBrokenWindow

The moonlight illuminated the still cabins of Camp Half-Blood as Will slipped through the door frame and out into the cool summer air. Crickets chirped as the low buzz of night time conversation droned, despite the late hour. Will had been venturing out of the Apollo cabin on these nightly excursions every few weeks now. It offered few moments of intimacy with Nico, something he was finding harder to grasp these days. After Percy and Annabeth left camp, and attendance dwindled as summer waned, Nico was becoming a senior camper with more and more responsibility. His unwanted title as a child of the big three caused other demigods to look to Nico for leadership, something Will knew he approached with dread.

However, Nico's ability to shadow travel offered up a wide range of possibilities. Will couldn't stop himself from grinning when he saw his boyfriend leaning against the side of the Apollo cabin, staring off into the matte black of the forest while unconsciously running his fingers through his hair. Will tip-toed over to Nico, startling him slightly when Will pressed him softly against the hewn wood of the structure, leaning down and brushing their lips together. Nico let out a quiet laugh against Will's mouth, a sound he had missed immensely from his boyfriend.

A second later, they were falling back together, swallowed up by the shadows of the trees and flying through the cold darkness where Nico thrived. The chill Will felt to his bone and the prickling of hair on the back of his neck didn't bother him as much as it normally did. Pressed against Nico's warm body, Will felt he could face anything.

After a few minutes of the journey in the void, Will found himself appearing and rematerializing on a soft beach, the therapeutic rhythm of the crashing waves filling the silence of the night. Piers stood off in the distance, laced with light as the wood thrust itself out to sea, but Nico and Will were the only ones out on the beach. Will giggled as Nico pulled him down to the sand, his legs rubbing against the particles of rock as they sat down together, staring at a sky filled with stars. Looking like distant light bulbs, flickering ever so slightly, the small suns were reflected in both of their gaze.

"Sometimes I feel guilty about it, you know?"

Nico's head rested against Will's chest, and the vibrations of his speech resounded through Will's body.

"What do you mean?"

"I just..." Nico gestured with one hand vaguely, encompassing the view in front of him. "This. I feel like I'm not supposed to find beauty in it? The sea and the sky. There's always a part of me that feels like I'm wrong to enjoy it, knowing the people who created it and the relationship with my own dad."

Will nodded, his chin gently bumping against Nico's head. The silence spread between them until, "How are you taking everything? We haven't really gotten a chance to talk a lot since Percy left, and you've been really stressed out lately."
A cool breeze wafted over from the ocean as Nico sighed along with it. "Everyone's looking at me, and I don't know why. Some of these people have been here longer than I even knew I was a demigod. And I just... I don't want to..." Nico shook his head, as if breaking a spell. "No, we don't need to talk about that right now. No need to completely depress you."

"You won't depress me if you need to talk about what's happening with you."

Nico rolled his eyes and snuggled up even closer to Will, kissing the side of his neck and resting his head on the sand. "Let's just be together, okay?"

"Okay," Will smiled, wrapping his arm tighter around his partner.

Nico's lips met his, and Will was on top of him, pushing him against the sand. Nico's hands grasped at Will's hair, curling his hands into fists as Will's fingers inched down his shirt, reaching the hem. Nico let out a gasp as their bare skin met, and bolts of electricity arced through Will's body with the act. Nico was more energetic, more eager than Will had ever seen him, all fatigue from the shadow travel apparently forgotten. Nico's hand roamed over his stomach and his thigh, slowly sliding his way over the space between Will's legs. This wasn't a situation they hadn't been in before, but something in the way Nico pressed against him felt different. He knew this was just the kind of escape Nico needed, but something about tonight seemed... off.

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