Reincarnated as Dream?

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I woke up in complete darkness. "What...? Did I die? ...Wait... my brother freaking murdered me! Why? Wait I remember. One of the machines said: Missing-Dream-Guardian-of-Positity. Does that mean I-

"Hello my child" huh? "I sadly don't have much time left so I make it short. Your name is Dream you have a twin-brother called Nightmare. You both are guardians. You are the Guardian of Positivity while your brother is the Guardian of Negativity. You both will need to protect a magical tree with apples. One side golden the other black. Wich side is wich is obvious. Once you wake up check yourself. How and why do you need to figure out yourself. But don't worry I am pretty sure you'll find it out. If not you and your brother can find it out together.
Love you, bye!"

I blacked out with the last thoughts being: "What the actual funk?! What mother does this?"
I woke up to a voice. "Dream?" I slowly opened my eyes. In front of me was Nightmare. "Good morning brother" I saw him flinching at the mention of 'brother'" Does he remember? "Is everything alright?" I tilted my head. "But of course sister! Do you want to do something with me?" I sighed and stood up. "I know that something is wrong" Nightmare looked shoked. I laid one of my hands on his shoulder. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to" I smiled. "But remember, I will be there for you when you need me. I wont let anything or anyone harm you" "B-but-" "No buts" I hugged him. He began crying and hugged me back. Guess he shows more emotions without the corruption. That's good. We stayed a bit like that.

"D-dream?" "Yes, Nightmare?" I said calm. "Can you promise me something?" "Of course I can" "Can you promise me that you always believe me before anyone else?" I stopped hugging and made Nightmare look at me. "I promise you that I always believe you. I promise you I wont ever betray you" I said it with serious sincerity. "If I ever shall break any promise to you my soul shall break" Nightmare looked at me disbeliefing. He jumped at me. *Thud* We landet on the ground. He hugged me. "Thank you my sister! I love you!" He noticed what he said and got silent. "I love you too my brother!" I said while petting his skull. He relaxed and fell asleep. I chuckled. He looks soooo cute! I wish I had my phone to take a photo of this moment. I looked at the sky. The clouds are slowly drifting, a few birds are flying and singing and the rustling of the leafs can be heard. I sighed. It's so calm here... so beautifull.

Heh... I wont let some stupid villager destroy this beauty, I wont let them take any apple, I wont let them near this tree nor my brother.

*Thinking about protecting your brother fills you with DETERMINATION*

But first I need to know what I am able to do. So how does checking work? I concentraded on the thought of wanting to see my stats. Not even a second later was a screen in front of me.

Name: Dream (Zero)
HP: Infinite (Immortal)
Atack: Infinite (Insta kill)
Def: Infinite (can't take any damage)

*Guardian of Positivity


*Passiv skill positiv aura

*You are a creator you can do anything!

*Knows about the balances

*loves her twin-brother

What others see:

Name: Dream
HP: 1200
Atack: 420
Def: 210

*Guardian of Positivity

*Passiv skill positiv aura

*Atacks are bow and arrows, bones, Gaster Blaster, Faster Blaster, blue magic

*Insta heal

*Knows about the balances

*loves her twin-brother

Interresting. Wait her? I got reincarnated as a female Dream? ...Didn't Nightmare call me sister earlier? ...uff, looks like paying attention is not so my thing. I sighed. Others see my stats different. Good to know. I looked at my still sleeping brother. I smiled. "I wont let anyone harm you, I promise" I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

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