Family Time

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I slowly woke up. Nightmare was still hugging me and sleeping. The sun is starting to rise. Hm... what could I do? Do I have something in my inventar? Wait, do I even have one? There is only on way to find out. I closed my eyes and imagend opening my inventar. I felt how something changed and opened my eyes. It worked!


1x Magic for Noobs
1x Magic for Beginners
1x Magic for Advanced
1x Magic for Masters
1x Magic for Guardians
1x Magic for Gods
1x Magic for Creators
1x First Aid Kit
4x Healing Crystal
1x How to make Magic Crystals
1x How to make Magic Food
???x Golden Apple
???x Black Apple
1x Apple Transporter
1x Your Hidden Abilities

Check all Items:

Magic for Noobs
-a book that gives you the knowledge of the easiest kind of magic

Magic for Beginners
-a book that gives you the knowledge how to summon your weakest atack

Magic for Advanced
-a book that gives you the knowledge to summon all your atacks from the weakest to the strongest

Magic for Masters
-a book that gives you the knowledge on how to controll your magic better and how to summon strong atacks with less magic

Magic for Guardians
-a book that gives you the knowledge of special protection magic. (Shields, Barriers, etc)

Magic for Gods
-a book that gives you the knowledge of regeneration and immunity

Magic for Creators
-a book that gives you the knowledge on everything in this multiverse. (From simple creations to incompetent deitys)

First Aid Kit
-a box with medical supply. Everything you need to heal or fix a persons wounds up

Healing Crystal
-heals everything

How to make Magic Crystals
-a book that gives you the knowledge on how to create crystals with stored magic. It can be healing magic, atack magic, etc. Store it now and use it later.

How to make Magic Food
-a book that gives you the knowledge on how to make Magic Food

Golden Apple
-an apple filled with Positivity

Black Apple
-an apple filled with Negativity

Apple Transporter
-transports all the apples from the tree in your inventar (the apples on the tree are just normal apples that are painted with magic)

Your Hidden Abilities
-a book that shows your hidden abilities.
*Neutral Touch
~you are immun to effects that require physical touch
*Soul Sensing
~nobody can hide from you
~You don't know what to do? Don't worry the autopilot knows what needs to be done! You get atacked without noticing? Don't worry the autopilot safes you!
__--Warning: If low on magic none of the hidden abilities activate--__

Woah there that's a lot of information ...and wierd things. I... no I wont question that. Also why do I have all the apples? Shouldn't Nightmare have at least his? No? Okay, I was just asking. So what do I do now? Maybe try to learn some magic while my bro sleeps. I took 'Magic for Noobs' out of my inventar. I opened it and it disapeared. What the flip?

-You learned easy magic

I... why are sooo many questionable things going on? Welp there is nothing I can do about that. Better get used to that. Know that I think about it I don't feel any different after 'reading' it. I feel as stupid as before. Maybe it was a prank? And here I go. Questioning things. I took out the next book. It also disapeared after opening. This time I feel different. Like I could just-. I summoned a bone atack in my hand. Noice. I desummoned it. After all I don't want that my bro thinks I want to flipping murder him.

I noticed my brother moved and looked at him. He was waking up. "Morning bro" He jumped of me. "Heh?!" I tilted my head. "Brother? It's just me your sister" He calmed down a bit. He mumbled something. Something I probaly wasn't supose to hear. "So it wasnt a dream?" "Brother are you okay now or do you need anything?" Nightmare looked at me and smiled. Oh soul he is sooo flipping adorable!

"I am fine now and could we maybe read something?" I smiled back. "Of course Nighty!" "Nighty?" He looked surprised. I did not... "Oh, do you not want to be called that? I can call you Night instead if you want or just Nightmare if it bothers you" I said a bit panickly. "Nono, it's  fine! I was just surprised that's all!" He reasured me. I sighed in relief. "Soo what do you wanna read?" Nightmare took my hand and led me to his side of the tree. We both sat down and he showed me his book. "Not so bad Villian" I never heard of that book before. I was excited. I am pretty sure my eyelights where stars. "That sounds very interresting!"

Nightmare chuckled. "Eye agree" I blinked. "Is something wrong?" Nightmare asked concerned. "No just didn't expect you to be so punny" We both laughed. After a few puns we read the book.

It was about an 'evil' twin Lumus and his counterpart Gia the 'good' twin. Gia and Lumus where guardians. Lumus protected the darkness and Gia the light. They both lived alone in a mansion and where very close. But one day 'hurt' adventurers came. They said they only needed housing for a few days till they were healthy enough to go their ways. Gia agreed. She didn't notice that they planned something. Lumus did but didn't say anything.

Soon some of their 'friends' came and said something about their homes burned down. They soon stayed here aswell. They befriended the guardian of Light. She shared her light with her 'friends'. They hurted Lumus behind her back. Because darkness 'shouldn't exist'. Gias 'friends' officially lived know with the two guardians. They gave many gifts to Gia. She shared them with her brother.Her 'friends' didn't like that but didn't tell her. They planned to get rid of the devil.

Lumus tried to tell his sister but she didn't believe him. Soon her 'friends' came and tried to get rid of him. Lumus couldn't take it anymore and let him self be devoured by the very darkness he was suposed to protec. He murdered every single one of them. Well except his twin. Gia was angry and atacked him but as soon his darkness touched her, she was turned into stone. He wasn't sad nor angry. He couldn't feel like he used to.

He left without looking back. He traveled around and found other people like him. They soon traveled together and destroyed all the light that was in their way. They first didn't get along that well but soon became family. A few years passed. They did their own thing but then his sister came with her own group. Both groups fought each other without mercy. The fighting never stopped. Not until there was nothing left. In the end both sides lost everything.
-The End

This story it hurts my soul. "Hey, sis are you alright?" My view was blurry. I guess I started crying without noticing. "Why...?" Nightmare looked at me worried. "Hey, shh it's okay I am here" "I... don't like this story" I hugged myself tight. Why does my soul hurt so much? Is it because my soul is made of positivity? No. There is something else but what?

I closed my eyesockets to conzentrade better. "Deep breaths sister, deep breaths" I listened to my brother and slowly calmed down. He hugged me. I was too weak to hug back so I only layed in his embrace. "I love you brother" I love you too, my sister" And with that a fell asleep.

"Guess I am the one who needs to protec you"

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