The lost Deity

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*Dreams POV*
I yawned. Hm? I looked around. Nightmares room... but where is he? I stretched and jumped out of bed. Better go look for him. *CRASH* What the-? "HEL-" I ran out of the room. It definitely came from Nightmares office. "Brother?! Are you alright?" The others teleported here aswell (except Error, he is who knows where). "Boss?!" We bursted through the door. Not a single soul was here. The office... a total mess. A white letter. On it a winged red heart with a golden arrow through it. No it cant be... I took it and opened it. No...

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-€/●■ << ~♡|

It can't be... "Dream?" "Dream!" "DREAM!" "Wha...?" "You where lost deep in thought... did you find anything?" I looked down on the ground. "Yeah..." I handed Chara the letter. "What kind of language is that?" Cross snatched the letter. "Looks like a broken calculator wrote it" Killer snatched it from Cross. "Woah, no kidding!" "Dream can you read this?" Chara asked currious. I nodded. "HOW?!?" I flinched at the loud noise. "Sorry, forgot" Killer apolegized. "It's alright" I reached for the letter. Dust who took a look at the letter aswell with Horror gave me the letter back. "It's in codes, I and the deitys used for fun... back then was it more peacefull and friendly. Nobody tried to destroy the balance or make anyone suffer..." "Wait does that mean you being a creator is not just an rumor?" Cross asked. "...No" "Well what's standing inside anyways?" Dust said, sounding almost uncarring. Almost. I sighed and started to read.

|Dear Queen,
Guess who is back? Did you miss me? Well honestly it doesn't really matter. I have Reaper and your dear "brother". I will take back what's mine!~

-from CC ~♡|

Everyone was silent. "You are a queen?" Cross asked getting slapped by Chara. "Don't begin with that wierd behavior of yours again" He said sternly to Cross. He huffed and looked away. "Who is CC?" "Corrupted Cupid" "The what now?" Dust asked uncertain if he heard right. "Cupid the lost deity. Renamed themself Corrupted Cupid... after the incident last timeline with Ink...

Fate, Destiny, Life and Feelings doesn't look very well either" I was shaking. "Woah Dream, it's alright you are not alone. We are all here for you. We can help you" Tears were running down my skele-cheeks. "No, that's the thing..." I chuckled darkly to myself. "No one can. No one can help me. If you do you'll die" I have to be strong. "I need to do this alone if you want me to or not!" My magic bursted, throwing them a few feet away from me. I took one last look at them. I only had them as my family for a few days... I can't let them die.

Not for something that is my fault to begin with. "Far awell, thank you all for beeing there for me. I will get Nightmare and Reaper back. For all of you. I teleported to the place I met CC for the first and last time. The time I created them, the time they... corrupted and vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile in the Doodle Space (Yes Space, it's the anti-void from Neo):

"Neo, what the heck are you doing?" "Random stuff browski" Neo, a Fresh-bruhish look alike, finger gunned at an Error look alike. "Hey, demon" A coulourfull skeleton spoke to the Error look alike. "What?" Demon said anoyed. "Got chocolate, might be good for your nerves" Demon sighed and took a chocolate bar. "Thanks Zero" "Hm?" "Not you, artist Zero" "Oh... we should probably get nicknames" Geno look alike said. "Oh really?" "Oh, don't be so... negative, Misery" "I am literly made purely out of negativity" "Na, bruh you wouldn't be able to be happy if that would be the case" Misery sighed. "Why am I surrounded with idiots?" "Because you are one of us of course!" A Killer look alike said. "Slice, shut up" Misery grumbled. "Aww, Nightys child is grumpy" Misery rolled his eyelights.

"I'll be RIP" "Pfft-" "Shhh I need to rest in peace!" "Okay, I'll be Pain-ter then

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"I'll be RIP" "Pfft-" "Shhh I need to rest in peace!" "Okay, I'll be Pain-ter then. Cause my responsability paints me" "Well that one is just sad" "Oh hey, Ray! Finally joining the reci-club?" "...ehm, I guess?" "Our Ray of sunshine arrived!" "Please stop that. I am not even a Dream" "Sure thing mister Error404" "I came, now I leave" "Wait! Don't leave us Gust!" "Na, I wing my escape!" "Aand gone..." "Hey Brisky how's going?" "Conquering as always" Brisky smirked. "Cool, seems like you have a hole lot of experience" "Na Rotten, looks more like you have the hole and I have the experience" Rotten chuckled. "Fair enough"

"That was quite an interresting joke, very very interresting" "Hello sir Voider" "No, need to be that formal with me" "Says the one who can't let his own formalities die" "Hello Decease, how I might help you?" "I need no help just taking a look around. It's funny to see what's going on" "Indeed. Same person, alternativ lifes and reincarnations. It really is quit something" "I wonder what our original is doing" "Probably trying to take care of the mess that is going on"


Also Meanwhile, somewhere else:

"Waky waky~" Two groanes where heard. "...What?" Nightmare tried to get up, ...but he couldn't. "Who are you and what do you want?!" "What's going on?!?" Reaper panicked. He couldn't move. He was never in a situation before were he was completly helples... only once. That was very draumatising. Other gods from Reapertale tried to kill him with their light. Chained down, not able to move. Watching how they kill him... His dad just came in time and saved him. They never tried again... Even after Gaster vanished. Maybe out of respect they had for him? "What do you want?!"

"Oh, I just need a tiny bit of your combined magic, if you know what I mean" A creepy smile on their Face. "I even prepared a room just for the two of you~" "What-?!" "You are sick!" "And I want your kid~"

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