Meeting the fam

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I woke up and yawned. I felt fluffyness. I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on a big fluffy bed cuddled by my brother Nightmare. Where are we? The bed is so comfy I don't wanna stand up. Not that I could while my brother was still hugging me. I cuddled closer to Nighty. "Morning Jewel" "Morning Nighty" Nightmare nugded me with his skull. "Did you sleep well my sister?"

"Yes, I did" I realised something. "Is Cross alright?" Nightmare stiffened for a moment. "He is still under the living" "Brother!" I pouted. "He hurt you, so I punished him" He said it like it was the normalest thing to do. "What you do is to much!" I struggled trying to get up. But it's not easy being held by my brother not only hugging me with his arms, also tentacles plus the comfy bed were you wish you would never need to stand up ever again. "Let me go I want to see that Cross is fine!"

"You'll eat first" I looked at him. "Do you promise me I can look after breakfast after him?" He sighed. "Yes, I promise" "Good" He stood up. With him still holding me with one of his tentacles. He walked to what I asumed would be the kitchen. "I can walk by myself you know" "I do know. I just don't want you to get lost. We both know you are terrible with directions" "Fair enough" I felt his happiness rise. Guess he likes to hold me close.

"Brother?" "Yes?" "Are the others here aswell?" "Yeah but still sleeping... well most of them" I chuckled. "Lazy bones" He chuckled with me "How right you are" As we reached the kitchen... we saw Horror half sitting in the fridge. I laughed. "Pfft" "Whatz so fumny?" He asked with his mouth full and then as he looked to us, he saw Nightmare. "O-oh hey boss" "What did I tell you not to do?" Nightmare looked with a disappointed parents look at him. "To not eat in the fridge?" "And?" "To not speak with a full mouth..."

"Go to you room" "Yes, boss" Nightmare and I looked at this mess. He sighed. "247 please clean this up" A shadow Papyrus appeared and nodded. "Yes, your majesty" "So brother?" He looked at me. "You just build a castle overnight?" "A kingdom" I laughed. "How?" "Magic" He smugly replied.

"Aww common Nighty" He chuckled. "Let's eat breakfast shall we?" I nodded. He sat me on a stool and got the supplies on the table. He made a bit of bacon and eggs. I layed a bit of beacon on my toast combined it with cheese and salat. "Delicious!" I exclaimed happely. Nightmare smiled at me. "I am happy you like it"

We soon finished breakfast and he lead me to Crosses room. He opened the door for me and came in after me. I looked at Cross he had a few bruises and a few cracks at his arms. I looked disaprovingly at Nigttmare. "Just like I said. To much. Next time just let him do some work if he does it wrong just let him do it again 'till he gets it right. Small breaks if it takes longer" I got closer to Cross and started healing him.

"No beating up any friends or family!" I smiled at Nighty. I felt he shiwered. "Y-yes sister!" "Good" I conzentraded now fully on Crosses wounds. It only took a few moments and no wound was left.

We heard something loud comming from downstairs. I looked at my brother. "It seems like the others have awoken" He sighed frustrated and teleported away. I walked out of Crosses room and walked down the hallway. I remember where the stairs are at least. I followed the loud noises. As I reached the room I saw that Killer, Dust and Phantom were in my brothers tentacles.

The room was a disaster. "Seriously, couldn't you guys take it outside on a trainings ground or something?" "In our defence Error didn't help" I looked Killer in the eyes. "Error has nothing to do with what you do wrong!" I was angry. I looked back at my brother and nodded at him. Nightmare smliled at the four. They gulped. "You will be cleaning the whole castle except my library, the bed rooms were someone else is sleeping and the rooms you are not allowed at"

"B-but boss!" "Oh, also I advise you do it carefully. If anything breaks or anything like that you will do it all over again!" Phantom laughes. "That's what you get!" "Oh you too" "Hah I am a ghost! You can't command me!" Nightmare looks at me. "Sister?" I smiled. "Of course brother!" I touched Phantom and a whole new body, with clothes of course appeared. "I don't see a ghost do you brother?" Brother chuckled. "No I don't" The three of them where watched by shadow papyri, while they work on their punishment.

I snuggled with my brother. I just can't resist brother gives the best hugs and cuddles. He held me close and laid down on the couch. The living room was cleaned first for obvious reasons. Error sat on a beanbag and watched us. "So you Ar3 the new DreaM, huh?" I nodded. He seems to be thinking deeply.

"You are a l0t bett3r then the poor excUse of a gu4rdian" I smiled at him. "Thanks" "It wasn't a compliment, simplY th3 truth" He looked away. I chuckled. He is just like a cat. I looked at Nightmare and he totally was thinking the same thing. This is going to be fun.

The rest of the day was nothing special. I can feel tomorrow is gonna be a nice day.

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