A Normal Day

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I was just taking a walk in the garden in the castle grounds. Black roses and Stardust-lilies. A few willow trees here and there. Of course a few benches and a pavillon. There was a smal lake aswell. A few swans, other birds, frogs, butterflys, bees and the one or other fox, bunny or cat was to be seen, other animals where there as well. Of course a few magical creatures too. This garden was made by my brother after all. I sat down on the grass letting the animals come clother to me. I chuckled. It tickles when they sniff me. Some of them even headbutted me or cuddled with me. I yawned. So comfy... I could just sleep right here with the animals surrounding me. I laid down, closed my eyes and cowered myself with my wings.

*Crosses POV*

Boss wants me to get our little angel from the garden. Of course he didn't let me go before giving me a few threats. It's not like I want to hurt 'his Jewel'. I looked around. Nobody is sitting on the benches... nor in the pavillon. Where could she be? "What about the cuddle pile over there?" I followed where Chara pointed at. Dream... she was just sleeping there while cuddling with animals. "She is a Disney Princess!" "Lord and savior please spare me from this idiot" I ignored him. "That means I am her prince! Or knight in shining armour! Maybe even both" "Why am I stuck with this guy?" I walked to her wanting to pick her up bridal stil.

But a bestie came looked at me and charged. "Aaahhh!" I like everyone else would have done in this situation, ran away. Luckely my backup arrived. The legendary murder time trio. "Fellow heroes listen to my call! We need to safe the princess from this hellish beast!"

*Charas POV*

He is official insane. The trio looked dumpfounded at the idiot and then at me. "Don't look at me like that! I didn't do anything! ...Well this time at least" "Muuuuhhh" "Help!" Cross hid behind the trio. "Brave ones I need your help to defeat the faul beast!" "I think Cross has lost the last bit of his sanity. Sadly it wasn't . My fault..." Horror run after the cow that was now running away from him. The other two sane ones looked expectingly at me. "Cross has a crush on Dream"

Killer looked at Cross. "Oh really?" He smiled menacingly. He jumped at Cross who was now running away from him. In the meanwhile me and Dust just watched the caos unfold. "What the heck is happening?" "No idea" I sighed. "Maybe we should get Error before they destroy everything and get beaten up by Nightmare" "You do that and I go and look for my bro... hopefully he behaves" "Wait!" He already shortcutted away. I can't go to far from Cross... I also don't have a phone... Wait how is Dream sleeping through all that? Maybe if I can wake her...

I levitaded closer to her. "Hey Dream-" A big fluffy wing hit me. "HOW?! I AM A GHOST GOD DAMN IT!!!" I tried to scream her awake. But it didn't work at all. Maybe Cross was right and she is a Disney princess... Nah. I couldn't move away because her wing pressed me to the ground. My screaming didn't even effect the animals. But they did hear me I am pretty sure of that. So why...? Has it something to do with Dream? Now that I think of it... I feel unusually calm and tired. Especially tired. I soon fell asleep not bothered anymore by the screaming and fighting from the others.

*Nightmares POV*

I was in my room relaxing reading a book. A knock was heard. Not even bothering to sit or stand up from my bed. "Come on in" I slightly looked up from my book. I saw it was Phantom, Dusts brother. "I hope you didn't make anymore caos. I would hate to waste my time on punishing you" He shivered slightly. Being feared is just a stronger version of respect. "N-no I did not..." "Spit it out and don't waste my time" I was getting to the good part in my book. "Cross, Killer, Horror in the garden" I instandly jumped up and carefully layed the book on my nightstand. "Oh they better have not destroyed anything" I looked at Phantom. "You are dismissed don't cause any more trouble" I teleported to the garden only to see Cross, Killer, Horror and a cow wrapped in blue strings.

I walked to Error. "Thanks, you can drop all of them into the dungeon. I talk to them after I looked after my sister" He only nodded and threw them through a portal. Even the Cow. I walked deeper into the garden, looking at the damage they made. Maybe it's better if I forbid them to see my sister without me or Error. I mean would you look at this! I worked hard on this garden! And they just destroy it like it was nothing...

I found My sister. Surrounded with animals and Chara under on of her wings. "Hm... wasn't he a ghost?"

"Is that the only thing you concerned of?" I turned around and saw Reaper. "Hm? And what are you might doing here?" Reaper chuckled. "Straight to business just like always. No multiversal reset can change that, hm?" I crossed my arms. "Well you mostly come only when something big happends. Something that at least effects a big enough part of the multiverse that is" Reaper looked at me, his smile slowly vanishing. "It's about our reincarnation over there" My eyesockets widened slightly. "What is with my sister?" He looked around warely. "Let's better go somewhere more privat. You never know who might be listening" I looked back at my sister. This all sounds already very concerning. "I will bring her back to my room" I picked her carefully with my tentacles up and brought her to my arms. "Your room? Why not her room?" He said.... teasingly?

"It's safer and closer to my office. Why else do you think I would do that?" I reased my bonebrow and picked Chara up. Reaper smiled mischievously. I don't like that look. Especially if It's from someone who knows something I don't. "Why of course you should know you two aren't related at all. No soul, magic or other relation bond. For all I know you two could be dating!" "W-what?!"

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