Chapter Ten (10) lets make it official

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..... Keep yourself content with those who call upon their lord morning, and evening seeking his pleasure and do not let your eyes pass beyond them
Suratul kahf Ayah 28

Kaltoom's POV
I finished with my duas and decided to go grab something to eat downstairs but remember I have to call Mr. Ego
I know it's the right thing to do but I didn't wanted to, Laila has saved his number in my phone since when I didn't know. Gosh that girl would be the end of me!
I dialed the number and was contemplating on weather to call or not
I'm so confused what would I say once he picks?
I'm not a fan of this guy so calling him is something else...
I dropped the phone on my bed and decided to grab a snack. I always had some in my room in case of emergencies like this where I'm famished but can't cross paths with Ammi just yet
I took some cookies and grab a bottle of water I was about to sit down when my phone started beeping
To my utmost surprise it turn out to be Mr Ego

Oh my gosh did I say I wasn't ready to talk to him? Why I'm I getting all nervous? Well it's definitely because... I don't know, I'm freaking out! But why?
Well here goes nothing.....
I picked up the phone and sat on the bed, crossed my leg over the other one like a bhudist then cleared my throat

The call almost cut before I picked it
"Asalam Alaikum"
I greeted.. I've learnt from my Ammi to always pass the Islamic greeting according to her it gives a good impression of you well of course it does I mean yeah it does!
"Waalaikumus salam"
his voice came through as calm as ever, I won't lie that's one thing I like about this guy, his voice it's so calm and I don't know... good to listen to?
The phone went silent for a minute before his voice came again...
"You could have at least called to check if I reached home safely?...

Seriously why would I do that, what are we? Dating? Ridiculous.. since when do I care about him that much? Oh since when Ammi told me to call him of course...

"Well I didn't feel the need to I'm pretty sure your attitude can take you home safely"

He was quite for a minute before he replied back
"Alright good then.... I didn't let him finish I interrupted "uhm thanks for the stuff ! Ammi said to tell you that"
He just hummed and hung up seriously? How rude
I'm never gonna talk to this guy ever again
Sorry Laila but I can't!

I was annoyed he has ruined my mood I thanked him but he just hummed seriously..What does he think of himself?

I pick up my cookies and crunch on it like it was the one at fault
Once I was done I got down and headed straight to the kitchen Ammi wasn't in the parlor she must be in her room then I guess
I opened the warmers and the sweet smell of chicken curry hit my nose I felt hungry I haven't had any reasonable food since this afternoon
The other warmer had coconut rice Oh my Allah!! I love Ammi so much I fetched the food which had more chicken curry than the rice I picked up a pack of fruit juice and made to the dining

"Subhanallahi!! Yaya you scared me, when did you get here? I said almost dropping my plate on the floor at the sight of Yaya Farouk who sat with his leg on top of the other he looked tired
"A minute ago, where is Ammi when did you get back home? Sorry I couldn't come pick you up I was stocked up with some work" he said in one breath shoving his hands over his curls
I answered him and sat to eat I called the cook to serve him his dinner

She did and Ammi came and joined us we chatted together untill I started feeling sleepy I said my good night to them and went to my room prayed Isha prayer did my night routine and went to sleep
Immediately I lay my head on the pillow I drifted to lala land I get tired so easily

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