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"What do you want to do for your birthday Andy?"

I look up from my phone as I hear Laurie enter the kitchen, "um.. I don't know. It isn't that big a deal. We can just have dinner or something. Why?"

She smiled, shrugging, "it's at the end of next month." She leaned on the counter towards me with a grin. "Maybe we could go away? Just you and me for the weekend?"

"Oh." I'm surprised. We haven't gone away just the two of us since Jacob was a kid. "That might be nice. I'll think about it."

She grinned, moving to stand closer to me as she brought her hand up to my shoulder. She grabbed both my hands to make me face her as she stood between my legs at the stool. "I miss you Andy." She wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me.

It surprised me at first until she pressed her body against mine, pulling me closer as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "What are you doing?" I pulled away as I felt her pull on the bottom of my shirt.

"I want my husband Andy.." She pulls my shirt up and over my head, tossing it onto the floor.

"What about Jacob?"

She shrugged, "he's sleeping at Derek's tonight. Come on..." She grabs my hand, leading me to the couch in the living room, pushing me to sit back as she removed her own shirt. She leaned over me, kissing me as she undid my pants, pulling them off with my underwear before kneeling in front of me.


She shook her head as she smirked, "shh."

I groaned as I felt her take my cock into her mouth. "Fuck." I had forgotten about Laurie not having a gag reflex as I hit the back of her throat a few times, "I forgot how good at that you were."

She smiled, standing up to remove the rest of her clothes in front of me, "that's because you don't touch me anymore."

I don't get to respond as she straddles me, lowering herself onto me urgently. I feel her nip at my neck, "I know. I'm sorry." When we're finished, we lay on the couch together. "I'm sorry I've been distant."

She sighed, "why have you been?"

"I don't know. Let's go up to the bed." I hear her giggle as she stands up, collecting our clothes. I grab my phone, seeing a message from Vanessa asking if I was coming over later.

Not tonight

I watch the three dots appear and disappear a few times before completely disappearing. I sighed, turning my phone off as I followed Laurie up to our bedroom. I crawled into be beside her as she started to kiss me. I moaned as she pulled me to her, "again?"

She smiled, "please."



I walk into the pawn shop, up to the counter. "I was told I could buy a gun here that would be untraceable."

The man behind the counter is a burly man who seemed to be a wall of muscle. I was determined not to let it show how intimidating he was though as I stood like a statute, waiting for his response. "We do. If you have the money, I have the gun. It's extra for the ammo."

I nodded, "how much."

He watched me again, he was trying to gauge how much he could rip me off for. "Nine hundred dollars."

I laughed, "don't be ridiculous. I'll give you seven fifty and that includes ammo."

The man chuckled, "fine little lady. Give me a minute."

I nod, setting the money on the counter as he shuffled behind the counter. He finally handed me a paper bag with the gun and a box of ammo.

"You know how to use that?"

I nodded, "I can manage. Thank you." I shove the bag into my purse before leaving the shop, taking a deep breath as I did.



I sat in my office at work the following afternoon when I heard my phone buzzing like crazy. I picked it up to find messages from Vanessa.

Why are you ignoring me?
You never go this long without talking to me
Daddy.. 🥺
Did I do something wrong?
Are you bored with me?

I'm just working
Chill out woman
I'll come see you again when I can...

"For fuck's sake." I shake my head, putting my phone back into my desk on silent. When I make it home that night, I see Laurie and Jacob sitting at the table for dinner already. I groaned, "I'm so sorry I'm a bit late." I kissed Laurie on the cheek as I saw her smile, taking my seat next to her. I felt her rest her hand on my thigh.

"That's okay hon. We're glad you're home."

I jump a little at her hand on my cock through my pants. I look at her to see her smirk as I chuckled. "Me too." I kissed her before looking at Jacob, "how was your day?"

Andy Barber - Web of Lust 💜Where stories live. Discover now