12 - Final

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I pull up to the cabin, carrying our bag inside. "This place is great Laurie!" It was a small, open concept cottage with a giant bed on one side of the cottage near a small living area and kitchen. I opened the back patio door to see a jacuzzi on the deck. "Sweet. I want to do that first."

Laurie laughed, "whatever you want." She went into the kitchen to find it stocked as she requested. "Just making sure." She turned to face me, "so.. hot tub first?"

I grinned, "yes. Please." I heard her laugh as I already started undressing. I saw her shake her head, trying to catch up before following me out to the hot tub. I turned it on before slipping in slowly, watching her do the same. I quickly pulled her onto my lap, kissing her.


We are laying in front of the fire, talking when I hear a knock on the door of the cabin. "Who could we possibly be expecting?" I see Laurie shake her head, shrugging as she stands up to get dressed. I sigh, pulling on shorts before going to the door. I feel my heart sink to my stomach as I open the door to find Vanessa in front of me, "what are you doing here?"

She shrugged, "you texted me and told me to come.."

"No I didn't."

"I did."

I turn around to see Laurie behind me with a gun pointed at us. "What are you doing?"

She motions for Vanessa and me to enter the cabin, sitting on the couch, side by side. "I invited your little, barely legal mistress."

I shake my head, "no. Laurie. You have it all wrong. I ended things with her." I look to see Vanessa huff as she crossed her arms next to me.

"You still cheated on me. Instead of coming to me and telling me you were unhappy and working it out, you decided it was a good idea to have sex with some cam girl whore.."


Laurie points the gun towards Vanessa, "shut up! You don't get to talk!" She comes to stand next to the couch, "get up and go stand next to the door."

Vanessa begrudgingly does as Laurie says, standing up to stand next to the door.

Laurie looks back at me, "choose. Now. Her or me. I need to know Andy..."

"What?" I stand up, "of course I choose you. I'm sorry Laurie. But let's not do anything we'll regret."

Laurie shrugged, "I won't regret anything." She goes back to stand next to Vanessa. She holds the gun up towards me as I put my arms up.

"What are you doing?" I hear the shot, clutching my shoulder as I fall back onto the couch.

"Oh no! Vanessa broke in here and shot at my husband because she was mad that he broke up with her and chose me over her..."

"Don't do this Laurie!"

She shrugs, pushing Vanessa onto the ground. "I have to fight her for the gun, I'm scared and angry and worried about my husband..." She laughs as Vanessa struggles under her as she places the gun in Vanessa's hand, making her aim it at her chest.

I hear the shot as I watch Vanessa's body go limp. "What did you do!?"

Laurie starts to cry, "what I had to. I need to call 911. There's been a break in. It was self defense Andy.." She approaches me, "or... do you change your mind and choose her? I can still alter that."

I only shake my head, still clutching onto my shoulder as she pulls out her phone to call the police...



"So that's my statement." I wrap the blanket around me tighter as I am questioned by Neal and the police. "This girl broke into our cabin. Andy was on the couch and I was in the kitchen. I heard the shot before I knew what was happening. I struggled with her to get the gun and it accidentally went off." I sob harder, "oh god, I killed her." I look up at them, "is Andy okay? Am I going to prison? I was just trying to defend my husband.."

Neal sighed, kneeling in front of me. "Of course not. It was quite clearly self defense. I'm so sorry Laurie.."

I nod, "can I see Andy now?"

"Yeah. Of course."

I wipe my face on the blanket, following Neal to the ambulance where they were looking at Andy's shoulder. "Can I have a minute alone with him. Please?" I saw them all nod as they walked away. "Did you love her?"

Andy hung his head down, "no. Of course I didn't. It was only sex. I'm sorry if I hurt you." He looked around, lowering his voice, "I'm not sure killing her was necessary though.."

I shrugged, "I didn't. It was self defense. I was defending my family she was trying to tear apart."

****1 year later****


"You guys just had a new baby, right?"

I nod at the therapist. "Yeah. That's right." After what happened, despite what happened, we both knew we actually did love each other but we both seemed to have gotten lost along the way. We had grown away from each other. As awful as it was, Vanessa helped to make our marriage stronger than it was before. I felt Laurie squeeze my hand beside me. "We had a girl. Alexis. She's beautiful."

Laurie smiled, "she really is."

Our therapist nodded, grinning. "And how are the both of you? Babies are stressful enough without adding in trying to make a marriage work."

I shrug, "we're good actually. We make sure to make time for each other and we talk more about everything." I looked at Laurie, "things are good."

****The End****
Were things actually good? Or was Andy just now afraid of his wife? 🤷🏻‍♀️
As always, love you! 😈
- Ash

Andy Barber - Web of Lust 💜Where stories live. Discover now