Chapter 7: Introduction

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As both of the boys walked in front of us and flopped down me and Winter imidiently shut up.

The boy that sat in front of Winter, had hiden behind the palm tree, and had dirty blond hair, greeny brown eyes and perfectly shaped lips-was literaly drooling all over her.

Well I cant say much, literaly everywhere she walks boys are bowing down at her feet. But what suprised me most was that she was slightly blushing!

The boy sat in front of me had light brown hair and dark blue eyes with slightly tanned skin he was stairing intensly in to my greeny blue eyes then ever so slowly he started to lean in.

I was captivated by his blue eyes and I slowly leaned in closing my eyes and and moved my head closer to his wait what am I doing! Um Maziey you don't even know his name!

He gently places his lips on mine, my heart literaly stops beating its cadence lost in our kiss pull away Mazyie you idiot!!! But I am incapable of following through with that one simple action.

I feel a flutter strike through my body and I shiver he must have felt it because we both pulled back but shift closer to eachother so our knees were almost touching.

Then I looked at Winter and the boy opposite her it was kinda funny realy because Winter was stairing at us with her eyes wide open and the guy sat in front of Winter was like:

"Way to go Ash!"

Ash: "Shut up Oak!"

Winter: "Soooo who are you guys then?"

Ash: "Well im Ash and he's Oak and we live on this island, dolphin island" still looking at me.

Me: "Oh cool im Mazyie and this is Winter" still captervated by his blue eyes.

Ash: "We should show them around Oak"

Oak: "Only cuz you wana get to 'know' Mazyie, dur im not an idiot you just full on kissed her!"

Winter: "Er what did you just say?!?"

Ash: "Um nothing!" Fiddling with his thums.

Oak: "Ash just wants to show you around the island"

Me: "Yes.. great.. please!!"

Ash starts going red.

I start blushing.

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