Chapter 23: Smoke Signals

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//that night//

Mazyie POV:

I wake up to my stomach growling like a lion


My first thought.

Tree house....

My second thought.

But my main priority was food.
I stood up to get my bearings clinging to a thick branch I was stood on a huge ocao tree surounded by banana trees!! Yum! I quickly collected a few bananas and devoured them in seconds.

Surounding the huge ocao tree were long vines. I was probably about 2k far from the tree house suddenly an idea poped into my head I could swing to the tree house!

So I stood up the direction I came from and grabbed a vine and started swinging.

Winter POV:

We sat round a fire, brain storming ways of Mazyie finding us or vice versa in that moment an idea rushed through my head.

Smoke sygnal!

Me and Mazyie did this in scout camp earlyer this summer.
I explained to the boys my idea and they both thought it was quite good.

So we scrambled down the ladder Oak went first to check how deep it the water was, it puddeled around his knees, the water thinned out as we approched the beach.

I created a big round bace, Ash grabbed some twigs and sticks while Oak climed up a palm tree to collect lots of leaves.
Soon there was a plume of smoke climing up in to the air.
After a few minuets of waiting I anounnsed:

Me: "guys im bored"

Ash: "um... Lets go swiming!?"

Me+Oak: "yer cool"

And we all ran into the cool refreshing water splashing eachother.

Mazyie POV:

It looked like I was almost at the tree house but just to make make sure I climed a tree and had a little look around to see if I could spot anything.

A plume of smoke caught my eye and I and I decided to follow it, as it was the direction I was going.
I climed down from the tree and slid down a vine into the water it had ingulfed my hole leg up to my knee!

After at least 10 minuets of waddling I had stopped, my surroudings looked similar...

Tree house!



And I wadded over to the ladder and clambered up to see if Ash, Mazyie or Oak was there.

Once I looked round all of the tree house and I could not find them I started to shout their names in hope that they could hear me...

Ash POV:

I had clambered out of the water as I was getting cold and wanted to warm up so I layed on the soft sand, soon my eyes started to droop and I fell asleep..




I woke up to my name being shouted..

That voice!?


I stood up and ran to the tree house luckly most of the water had drained so it was easyer to run once I had got to the tree house, the water was a little bit higher than my ankle.

I started to look around till I got to the kitchen where Mazyie was eating bits of coconut we were eating this morning.
I crept up behind her and gave her a huge hug.

Mazyie: "you didn't scare me I heard you comming"

Me: "uh okay, anyways I think Oak and Winter would like to know that your not dead!"

Mazyie: "obviously, but let me eat im STARVING!"

Me: "okay"

She ate a little more and then we ran to the beach to enlighten Winter and Oaks life.

As we arrived at the beach Mazyie suddenly grabbed my hand and yanked me towards the sea to supprise Winter and Oak.
As they caught sight of us Winter squiled and paddled towards her best friend.

We spent the evening splashing eachother.


Authors note:

697 words yes!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Im super sorry it took me sooooo long to update prbly one of the reasons is school + exams.

Please please like and comment it means a lot And I love reading them!

Also if you have any ideas for my next chapter I would love to hear!

Love you guys Xx

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