Chapter 22: CRACK

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Ash POV:

Im a bit confused when Mazyie gets up from my lap and starts walking to a thick branch that over hangs the raging torrent of water below us, she looks at me and then turns around too clime up the tree branch.

She stops near the edge of the branch it was still pretty thick but I clime up to the branch above her too get a better view of what she was doing.


I turn to where I thought the noise came from I see a mahoosive split in the branch mazyie is sitting on.

She shuffled up closer to the tree trunk and clung to the branch I was sat on so I did the same I shuffled up and attached my hands on hers, linking them together.

And just at that moment the branch gave way and tumbled down in to the medly water below.

I could see the strain in her face and the fact she was digging her finger nails in to my skin could show how much pain she was in, I started to shout for Winter and Oak to come and help us.

The moment I saw a flash of dirty blond hair relef flooded through me they had heard me Thank God!,they started to clamber up the tree when I felt one of Mazyie's sweaty hands loosen their grip on my arm letting blood once again pump through my arm.
As much as I was releved that I had my arm back it was suddenly replaced with terror she was going to let go before I could think of what I could do, she let go of my arm falling into the rapid like water.

My eyes widen as I see her small figure dissaper in the frothy water below me.

I sat there for a while, my brain prossessing what just happened.

Someones hand shook my shoulder and told me to come back to the platform and I did as I was told.


Authors note:

I hope you guys are enjoying my book please like and comment ideas for my next chapter x

1.23k reads thank you guys x

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