Once Upon A Nightmare

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Casey POV

I was awoken from a peaceful sleep by the soft melody of my alarm clock and a soft gleam of sunlight bathing my room.


"Girl, if you don't get your lazy ugly ass up now and turn that shit off!!"

I shot off my small cot, moaning at the sweet sound of my stepmothers voice. Sarcasm like a motherfucker. I looked at the red light of my cheap alarm clock in the darkness of my room.


I balled my fists tightly, counting to ten trying to calm down. 'One two three four fi-'


I reached over and slammed my hand on my alarm, silencing it. Tossing off my blanket, I was careful not to bump my head on the low ceiling. How did we have more than 4 rooms in this house, yet I have to sleep in the attic? I will never know. Still, I learned to be grateful, Remi could've kicked me to the curb or threw my ass in the system when my dad died. So I just thanked God that she just made me a low life slave of some sort instead.


After doing all my usual early as fuck in the morning chores (cooking breakfast, waxing the floor, doing laundry and a bunch of other crazy ridiculous tasks for only one person) it was almost 5 o'clock.

I had to open up the restaurant at 5:45 so I had to get going. As I walked over to the rickety ladder leading to my room I could hear my family starting to get ready for their day. Not wanting to deal with any negative interaction I rushed up the old ladder only securing 3 splinters in the process. New record.

I grabbed my overalls and a T-shirt. I loved my overalls, they were so comfortable. Plus, they were the only things I owned, so couldn't exactly be picky. Shoving them in my bag, I grabbed my clipboard and binder off my desk before racing downstairs and out of the St.Clare house.

I hopped on my bike and started my trek to Remi's Cafe.

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