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Casey POV

The bell had just rang, Pheonix_3 and I said our goodbyes for now. We would text again during our free periods, and lunch...and during/between our classes. We talked alot basically.

I smiled as I got up, dusting any debris off my already worn out overalls before heading to class with a pep in my step. Phoenix had a way of bringing me out of any funk. No matter how bad my day was going, he'd message me and I couldn't help but smile.

I know what you're thinking: why the hell are you so giddy to talk to a whole fucking stranger all day? I honestly couldn't tell you why, but it just felt so easy talking to him.

It's not like I had a crush on him, because I didn't. That would be weird. It would never amount to anything offline so what harm could be done? As far as I knew, both our lives kinda sucked so it didn't hurt for us to be eachothers confidants. I needed someone to rant to about my life and he needed someone to talk to about his own mental struggles ontop of his family issues. It was nice to talk to someone about my parents to without my stepfamily telling me to shut the hell up and realize they were dead and gone with no chance of coming back.

I also enjoyed when we would just joke about school and small things in our lives. I was a mixture of scared and excited when I found out we went to the same school. Apart of me was bummed that we would never actually meet; I kinda liked him.

I didn't wanna believe it at first, but maybe I had a teeny tiny cybercrush.

* * * * * *

It was now study period and I was working as a library aid in the schools library. It was really dull with with nothing to do because no one really came in here and if they did, they were usually doing other things besides reading books. I wasn't saying the library was like a Motel 6 or anything, but I knew certain sections to avoid when certain people came in. Usually those people included Lexi, Jason or Ava in some way, but that wasn't my business.

My phone vibrated in my backpack and I put down my book in order to retrieve it. I pulled out my phone and I was completely shocked to see a text from Pheonix_3.

Pheonix_3: I wanna meet you

I practically choked on my tongue, eyes bulging wide as I clapped my hand over mouth like I was gonna scream. I would never do that, but I was completely shocked. I glanced around at the few students studying at the tables before responding to his text message. I groan softly at my shaking thumbs.

Random_No: Rlly?

Random_No: Like face 2 face?

Pheonix_3: Yeah

Pheonix_3: I think I'm actually ready to finally meet up irl

I gulped, blinking at my phone before typing.

Random_No1: That's great 👍🏿

If only I wasn't lying through my teeth. I didn't think I was ready- scratch that, I would never be ready. So much for all the lovey dovey shit I was going on about earlier. What was I thinking?

Pheonix_3: The Halloween dance is this Saturday

Pheonix_3: Can we meet there?

Random_No: No

I hesitated, my thumb hovering over the send button before I changed my mind. 'No, too harsh.'

Random_No: I can't-

I deleted it. 'I don't wanna lie to him.'

Random_No: I have somewhere to be

Deleted. 'Again, lying.'

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