Not Dressed up, but with Somewhere I wanna Go

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Trigger Warning: Depressive Thoughts;  mentions of child abuse; attempting to overcome trauma and mentions of suicidal ideation. It may be light, but I still wanted a warning incase.

Normal POV

Casey stared down at her phone, shaky fingers floating over her keypad as she looked at the screen.

Pheonix_3: You coming?

Two words. That's all they were, but she couldn't find a way to actually respond to it. She knew she would have to answer him at some point, but a small part of her was holding out hope that some miracle would happen allowing her to go. That earned a dry chuckle from her and a mental note to stop falling asleep to old Disney cartoons. Every time she had looked up at the clock to find the minutes passing, anxiety knotted in her gut.

She glared at her unsent response, terrified for a number of reasons. Fear that he would upset with her? Or would he tell her that she in a way is responsible for all the problems in her life. All because she was scared of Remi. 'I'm pathetic.' As the minutes passed on, she became more and more anxious, sneaking off into the storage room for some space. It was cold in the walk-in but the chill was just what she needed.

She sucked in a nervous breath, ignoring how her heart thrummed violently as she forced herself to press send.

Random_No1: I don't know

It was only 2 minutes later that she received a reply.

Pheonix_3: Did something happen?

Casey chewed her lip nervously. She considered lying, but thought against it. Pheonix_3 had known everything about her personal life so there was no point in lying about it. It wasn't as if he was one of the teachers who intended to call CPS.

My guardian flipped on me earlier, so I can't go.
I'm sorry

Fat tears welled in her eyes as she stared at the screen awaiting his reply. It was all her fault. This was quite possibly the only time they could meet in real life and she had ruined it. 'You always ruin everything.' She sniffled, wiping her tears away as they dripped on her phone screen.

It is what it is
Your guardian sucks

(That) was an understatement.

I kno
I'm sorry.

No need to apologize.
A bit embarrassed though since I'm wearing a prince charming costume

Casey choked back a dry bitter sound. 'Ofcourse, you were', she thought bitterly. She wondered what he looked like. Would he look like Prince Eric? Or Naveen? Would he be blonde like Adam? Have blue eyes or brown? All of these questions she had no ability to answer. It would be selfish to request a picture when she stood him up basically on their first meeting. She was shocked he hadn't blocked her. Still, she could not help but be hopefully.

I'll let you know if anything changes.

The messaged had not been read this time and she couldn't help but think the worst. She hated disappointing people and her she was doing it to Pheonix_3. She began to pick at her name as she swung on her stool. The restaurant had begun to clear, everyone rushing home to prepare for the evening festivities. Joe was one of the few patrons present, seated nearby with Rosemary and Jimena chatting about. She was positive she did not even need to be here, surmising that Remi just wanted her to be miserable

"Okay that's it!", Jimena suddenly said, hands thrown in the air, "Rose, get your coats. I'm taking you guys to that party", the woman announced searching for her key.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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