The Castle

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Trigger Warning: mentions of child abuse

Casey POV

Let me tell you abit about Remi's Barfe- I mean Cafe. Remi's Cafe was this nice little restaurant across town. It actually belonged to my mother and father; it was called Earth's Oasis, but just like everything else I had, she destroyed and slapped her name on it.

Before it was the gem of our town. Everyone would to eat with their loved ones and celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, everything. They loved the terrace outback that seemed to take a piece of the sun out of the sky and provide a beautiful glow in the night. However, that was before my dad passed away 8 years ago and I had lost my mom to cancer way before then.

Remi shut down the garden area because she hated flowers and she didn't wanna waste money on anything that she didn't like. It hurt me to the core; that garden was my mother's pride and joy.

Now instead, it was some makeshift French bistro/cafe. And trust me, the menu screamed everything but French cuisine. Dry ass crescent rolls, slugs instead of snails and basically Keurig coffee. After my dad died, the place basically went to shit, but at least I wasn't alone. Some of the staff stayed by my side; none of us were happy about the "improvements", but we still had eachother. “Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.” as Jimena would say.

Jimena was the manager of Remi's Place when my dad ran it and she's was also my best friends mom. She was a beautiful Mexican woman. A total milf as some kids said. She worked out every day doing palates, zumba, cross fit, you name it. Age was literally just a number for her.

She was also kinda like my mom, always protecting me from my spiteful family. One day when I was working late, she saw all the bruises Remi gave me after I forgot to press her nightgown and flipped out. She beat the fuck out of Remi and she never hurt me again....well physically at least, even then it's not as severe or obvious now.

At the moment, I was avoiding her as I cleaned up. She didn't like when Remi made me come in for early morning duty, whether and school day or not. There was no doubt in my mind that if she saw me, she'd send my off.

I was scrapping some slug slime off a table when somebody burst through the door like they we're on fire.

It was my best and only friend Rosemary Fernandez de Garcia, Jimena's daughter. We met when we were babies and have been together ever since. We were both awkward nerds who people didn't know or care to talk to.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?", Jimena asked moving over to check on her child.

Rosemary was red in the face, her cheeks and face wet as she simultaneously rubbed her legs. "W- woke up....l- la- late", she explained, still trying to catch her breath. If I was out of shape then Rosemary was right there with me. We both road our bikes everywhere but that didn't help anything; just a way to get somewhere faster without a car.

I suddenly realized why she was here and began to panic. I was not supposed to be here and if Jimena saw me she would throw her shoe at me.

I quickly hide my face behind my cart, but it was too late; Rosemary had already seen me. "Casey, come on we need to get to school", she reminded loudly in a hurried tone.

I froze, 'Shit'

I knew Jimena's head had popped up at the mention of me,"Casey?" I quickly ducked behind Mr. Whilton's both, but I knew I wasn't fast enough,"Casey"

I silently cursed Rosemary before poking my head out,"M- ma'am?", I answered weakly, smiling nervously. Jimena did not look tickled in the slightest,"Casey Penelope Morgan, why are you here?"

'Oh shit she used the government name.'

Being caught, I came from behind the booth,"Uh w- well being a good employee a- and all...", I answered nervously, fiddling with my finger. To no-one s surprise, I didn't enjoy being in the hot seat whether I deserved it or, like usual, I didn't. I couldn't help but to cower in on myself slightly, hand legs already shaking and my heart beating fast.

I was careful to make sure Jimena didn't notice. Despite how upset she was, I knew she wasn't a threat to my wellbeing and I would hate for her to think that. I still remembered the time I'd accidentally flinched when she came towards me and the proceeding conversation ended with both of us in tears.

She muttered something in Spanish, taking the tray from me,"Please, you're too young to be an employee, you're a student", Jimena scoffed taking it behind the counter.

No! I didn't even finish getting the single tables. "But, she'll kill me if I don't finish!", I whined, well it sounded like a harsh whisper in my voice, as I followed behind her. I looked to Rosemary for help, but she just shrugged.

"Then she can kill me instead, well try anyway", she challenged giving me that 'try me' look that made me stop,"Your father loved this place, but I know he wouldn't want you to waste away here.", she scolded

I couldn't help but hang my head; once again, I was disappointing people. That seemed to be the only thing I was good at apparently. Once again, Remi was right about me. I hated that I let her words affect me, but it was hard to ignore when there were three people spewing it everyday of your life and they treated you like it too. I hated how broken I was mentally, physically and emotionally and it felt like I was shattering into smaller and smaller everyday.

Jimena walked up to the register, giving a couple their receipt before turning back to me,"When were you supposed to finish?", she asked, closing the register.

"9:45", I mumbled, I knew that if she wasn't mad at me before, she would be now. That was well past when school started; unlike Remi, she actually gave a fuck about my education. Atleast I was smart; my parents would have something to be proud of.

"I'll clock you out at 10:30 so you get overtime."

I immediately perked up, seeing her smile at me,"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!", I exclaimed, fumbling to pull off my apron. Not only will Remi not have my head on a platter, but I'll get some extra money in my pocket. And before you say anything about favoritism or if it's illegal, Remi doesn't even pay me minimum wage to slave here and let's not talk about child labor laws....

Jimena had swatted me from behind the counter,"Don't thank me, now get to school!", she laughed pushing us both to the door. Rosemary kissed her cheek before leaving,"Bye mom!"

"Bye girls!"

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