Highschool Hell and Catfish

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Normal POV

Riley Egypt High was like that school you see on 90218 or whatever the hell you called it. It was big, but not too big. We had the jocks, the nerds, the teacher's pets, the assholes, the pranksters and last but not least...the "popular kids."

Speaking of popular kids, they had just pulled into the parking lot. Matching exspensive luxury cars parked beside one another, six beautiful people stepped out of like in those high school movies.

Always at the front was Lexi Porter. If Riley Egypt High was a monarchy, Lexi was the Queen Bee. She was pretty, like stunning but she proved that you can't have it all. Her attitude and mouth made her a foul being. She was a racist, but considering she was pretty and white she got away with it. Meanwhile that meant that she made my life a living hell without any reprocussions. She's cut my "nappy" hair before, pushed and tripped me and even threatened my life on multiple occasions. Unsurprisingly, the school didn't give a fuck and considering how Remi felt about me, there was no one to help fight my battles. Aside from Rosemary and her mom, it was just me.

Of course, you couldn't have a Queen without a King and in this case that would be Ethan Thompson. He was the King of the school, Hell the town. He was captain of the football, basketball, baseball and Track team; he was literally like Troy Bolton or any All American Boy-Next-Door. The thing that made it even worse was the fact that he was such a nice guy. Despite all that, Casey didn't like him. Although he wasn't like his friends, he surrounded himself with people like that and it made her look at him like the rest of them.

'Wolves always travel in packs and the leader is always the worst.'

Just like Lexi, he had two friends for some reason. Apparently it was a normal thing to have an even number of friends or something. His first friend was Nicholas, who was what she considered to be the next Steven Hawkings. He wanted to be a doctor and with his face and charm, he would no doubt be successful no matter what he did in life. He too was a pretty nice guy, but he was proven guilty by association in addition to laughing at her abuse by his other friends.

Then there was Jason. He wasn't even worth describing. He was a trash-ass garbage human and that was all people really needed to know about him. He's like millennial teenage version of a Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan....yeah not good.

Ava was basically Lexi's clone with brown hair and bigger boobs. She did everything the other girl did and whatever she told her to do. She was just as mean and spiteful as her too except without the personality.

Haven was mixed unlike her friends, who were almost all white aside from Nicholas who was Brazilian. They'd treat her like the token black friend: they'd talk about her, they'd trip her and they'd make her do things for them. If only she realized that those weren't her friends, but her racist ass bullies.

The only reason why they didn't do that stuff to Nicholas was because he'd beat their asses. In middle school, Jason made one racist comment and he almost broke his jaw. Somehow they stayed friends after that, but it was mainly because of Ethan.

They were walking and Lexi must've tripped Haven because she suddenly hit the ground. While they laughed at her, she tried to join in to be apart of the joke, but you could tell she was hurt. They all kept moving after that, leaving her there. Thankfully, Ethan had some heart and instead of laughing helped her up.

"You okay Hae?", he asked. She only nodded before moving to catch up with her friends.

Rosemary could only watch as the smaller girl followed after them,"I don't know why Haven hangs out with them, they treat her like trash", she wondered aloud, looking back at her friend for any input.

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