It's a Hard Knock Life Alright

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Normal POV

It was a busy morning at Remi's Cafe, like it was every weekend. Casey was running around frantically trying to complete the multiple things that had to be done. Remi had only had her and Jimena as servers today with only 2 chefs in the kitchen in order to save money. As a result, Casey had to mop, bus tables, wash dishes as well as take orders and serve too.

Thankfully, the morning rush was coming to an end and the young girl was rushing to get things done for the lunch shirt before next shift came in. She had just collected all the coffee mugs on the empty tables, the cups still half-full of hot coffee. She winced at the card tips she'd received, wishing they were cash so Remi couldn't track and take them for herself. She brushed it off, grunted at the weight of the trays as she tried to run to the kitchen.

"Slow down, Casey", Jimena called out to the girl, pausing her order taking at the counter to watch her struggle to balance the two trays of coffee mugs that where more than a 1/3 her weight. She was grateful when she did, walking more slowly now that before.

"Sorry, Jimena!", she called out as she continued past her mother figure. Jimena shook her head at her, going back to her customer.

Casey's shoulders shook as she struggled to hold the heavy trays, not wanting to drop them. She let out a breath of relief as she turned the corner to the kitchen entrance. Sadly, her victory was short lived. She had tripped over something, and she was falling forward, the trays falling from her hands. It was like everything moved in slow motion, pain exploding in her chest, knees as she hit the hard ground, glasses shattered around her with a violent loud sound that she was sure echoed throughout the rest. She winced as she sat up, the hot coffee burning her skin and soaking into her clothes.

Her face burned in pain as she looked around, trying to see what had happened. It wasn't that hard to see the high heels a few feet from her and the evil laughter that followed. Her faced burned in embarrassment as she raised her head to look up at her evil stepmother.

Remi looked down at her I disgust, upper lip curled as she stepped over her like she was shit on the sidewalk. "Those cups are coming out of your paycheck", she snided, moving towards the register.

Casey opened her mouth to complain only to stop she glared at her, "Got something to say, trash?", she asked, challenging her to argue with her after what had happened before.

She pressed her lips firmly together, shaking her head, "N- no m- ma'am", she answered, lowering her head as tears welled in her eyes. She sniffled, holding back her tear as what little money she had to show for 90 hours of work went out the window.

'What did I do to deserve this?'

Jimena POV

I noticed Remi stepping over Casey, muttering something more than likely insulting at her as she went to the register. I growled at the site, finishing up with a regular before pocketing my notepad and rushing over.

"Casey", I called out, squatting down at her side, "Are you okay?", I asked her, helping her sit up. I looked her over carefully and cautiously. I just needed to see one burn or bruise on her and I'd beat that cow until she had her old face again.

Casey groaned, shaking her head, "I'm fine, don't worry about it." Like usual, she brushed me off, always quick to dismissive any acts of slight done against her. I could tell something was wrong, her head low as she started collecting the shards from the broken mugs.

I could hear it I her voice that she wanted to cry, and it hurt me more than anything. If Oscar could see her now, he would cry for his daughter, regretting marrying that monster in the first place.

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