comfort in chaos-brady

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Sofia sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone, while chatting with her best friend, Tiannah. The soft golden light from the sunset filtered through the curtains, casting a cozy warmth over the room. The smell of lavender candles filled the air, mixing with the clean scent of the fresh upholstery. The whole vibe was calm and comforting, the kind of evening that felt perfect for catching up with someone close. "Tiannah, it's been way too long since we hung out!" Sofia laughed, her voice light with excitement. "You should come over for dinner tonight!" "Omg, I'd love to! Is it just us or is Brady joining too?" Tiannah asked, sounding genuinely excited on the other end. Sofia smiled, her heart full of affection for her friend. "Of course, he'll be here! How about 7 PM? I'll make my famous pasta."

Tiannah's enthusiastic "I'm in!" made Sofia grin even wider as they ended the call with plans set for the evening. Sofia's heart buzzed with happiness as she imagined the night—good food, good company, and good vibes. She was already planning out the creamy garlic pasta, fresh salad, and a rich chocolate mousse for dessert. I walked into the house just as Sofia was getting ready, dressed in this gorgeous emerald green dress that had me frozen for a second. Her hair flowed down in soft waves, and the whole scene felt like something out of a movie with the golden light and her looking stunning. "Wow, you look amazing," I said, feeling a little breathless. Sofia turned and smiled at me, catching my eye. "Thanks, babe. Oh, and Tiannah's coming over for dinner." My face must've shifted a little because Sofia caught it immediately. "Wait, who's Tiannah?" I asked, trying to play it off like I hadn't just tensed up a little.

"Oh, you haven't met her? She's one of my closest friends." Sofia's voice was warm and full of affection as she started explaining, but then something clicked in my brain. Tiannah. Oh no. "Wait... Tiannah?" I said, feeling the wave of dread crash over me. "That's my ex." Sofia's smile faltered, her brow furrowing in confusion. "What? You didn't think to mention that?" "I didn't think it would matter," I admitted, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "But... if she asks anything about us, maybe we should tell her we're having, like, relationship issues." Sofia stared at me, her face a mix of emotions—confusion, hurt, and surprise. "Why would we lie? I mean, yeah, it's awkward, but we can handle it." She took a breath, trying to keep things light. "Don't worry, Brady, everything will be fine." She reached for my hand, squeezing it in reassurance. Her touch, soft and calming, helped soothe the anxiety bubbling inside me. I couldn't help but feel the guilt rising up, like I should've told her sooner about Tiannah, but here we were. I leaned in, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Thanks for being cool about this. I love you, Sof."

"I love you too. And don't worry about Tiannah, we got this," she said with a small, confident smile. Later, after getting a text from Tiannah saying she was on her way, I made a quick decision. "I think I'm gonna dye my hair dark brown. Just in case she recognizes me or something. It'll throw her off. Sofia blinked at me, half-amused, half-skeptical. "Are you serious? You think changing your hair is gonna change anything?" "It's worth a shot," I shrugged. "Alright, just promise me you'll be back in 45 minutes, okay?" Sofia's voice had a playful edge as she tugged me toward the door. I grinned. "Promise." About 45 minutes later, I returned with my hair freshly dyed, feeling weirdly self-conscious but also a little relieved. Sofia was sitting in the living room, and when she saw me, her eyes widened.

"Brady, you actually did it," she said, laughing. "You look... different, but good!" Just as we were settling back into the calm of the evening, a knock came at the door. "She's here," I said, my heart immediately picking up pace. Sofia stood, smoothing her dress. "You ready?" I nodded, but my nerves were starting to creep in. "As ready as I'll ever be." Tiannah entered, her smile bright and full of excitement as she hugged Sofia tightly. "It's so good to see you!" Her voice bubbled with energy "You too!" Sofia beamed, motioning for Tiannah to come in and sit. Meanwhile, I lingered in the background, trying to avoid her gaze, but of course, it didn't last long.

"Wait, is that... Brady?" Tiannah's voice was a mix of surprise and curiosity as she glanced over at me. Her eyes narrowed for a second, like she was trying to piece things together. Sofia jumped in quickly, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, this is Bradley... my hot husband!" she said with a playful grin, making me chuckle despite the awkward tension in the air. Dinner started off fine. Tiannah seemed chill, and the food was a hit. We laughed and shared stories, but I could feel Tiannah's gaze on me more than once, like she was trying to figure out if she knew me or not. I shifted in my seat, feeling more and more uneasy as the evening went on. I couldn't take it anymore, so I discreetly texted Sofia under the table. "She keeps looking at me weird. What do I do?" Sofia's phone buzzed, and she glanced down. Her reply came quickly. "Just relax. You're fine. I've got you."

I tried to take her advice, but the anxiety wouldn't go away. I excused myself from the table, needing a moment to breathe. I headed upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My heart was racing, and my chest felt tight. I leaned against the sink, staring at my reflection, feeling completely out of control. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. It was Tiannah's voice, soft but concerned. "Brady? Are you okay?" I froze, my stomach churning with a mix of anger and fear. "Just... go away, Tiannah," I muttered, my voice shaky. There was a pause before she responded, her voice sounding hurt. "Brady, I didn't mean to make things awkward. I just... I didn't know." I clenched my fists, trying to keep my emotions in check. "You didn't need to know. This wasn't supposed to happen."

The door creaked open a little, and before she could say anything else, Sofia appeared behind her. "Brady, it's okay," Sofia's voice was calm but firm as she stepped into the room. She took one look at me and knew exactly how I was feeling. "Tiannah, give us a minute," Sofia said gently, guiding Tiannah out and closing the door behind her. Once we were alone, Sofia wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. But I'm here, okay? We're in this together." I nodded, holding her tightly, letting the warmth of her embrace soothe me. "I love you so much, Sofia," I whispered, my voice breaking a little. "I love you too, Brady. Always," she whispered back. And just like that, the tension started to fade away, replaced by the comfort of knowing that no matter what happened, we'd always have each other.

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