haunting dreams and a love - sofia

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It was 7:21 a.m. when I woke up, my face already drenched in tears, my chest tight as if I'd been crying for hours in my sleep. My heart was racing, my pulse hammering in my ears. I reached for my phone out of habit, the screen blurry as my eyes adjusted to the light. The remnants of the nightmare were clinging to me like cobwebs, refusing to fade even as reality settled back in. I couldn't breathe right, couldn't even swallow without feeling that tightness in my throat. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out—only silence and the occasional shaky breath. It took everything in me just to roll out of bed. My legs felt weak like they'd barely hold me, and my hands? Forget about it—they were trembling so hard that I had to hold onto the railing as I walked down the stairs. The air felt thick, like it was pressing against me. I knew I needed to talk to someone about the nightmare... but I didn't know where to start. How could I even explain what it was?

As soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs, Brady was there. Of course, he noticed immediately—the way my face was blotchy from crying, how my body was shaking. He didn't say anything at first, just rushed over, concern all over his face. He took one look at me and gently guided me to the couch. His arm slipped around my shoulder as he sat me down, his touch warm and comforting, like he was trying to anchor me back to reality. "Sof, babe, what's wrong?" Brady's voice was so soft, so filled with worry, that it almost broke me even more. He wiped a tear from my cheek, his thumb lingering for a moment before he rubbed my back in slow, soothing circles. "You can talk to me. I'm here. Whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone." I could barely speak, my throat too tight to form words. Instead, I just nodded, my head falling to his shoulder. He was everything I needed right then—solid, present, unwavering.

"Hey, look at me," Brady said, lifting my chin gently so our eyes met. "Take deep breaths with me, alright?" His voice was calm, steady, like he was trying to transfer his peace to me. He demonstrated, inhaling slowly for three counts, then exhaling for six. I followed his lead, each breath harder than the last. My hands were still shaking, but I focused on the sound of his breathing, how controlled it was. It felt like a lifeline. "Good, you're doing so well," Brady murmured, his thumb still gently stroking my shoulder. "Now, what do you see? Five things." I swallowed hard, scanning the room through my teary eyes. "You... Taz sitting on the kitchen bench... the clock... the kettle... and the chandelier." My voice was barely audible, but Brady smiled softly, encouraging me. "Good, now, four things you can feel," he continued. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to ground myself in the present. "The tears on my cheeks... your hand on my back... the couch under me... my heartbeat." The trembling started to ease, just a little. Brady nodded, his eyes warm with reassurance.

"You're doing great, Sof. Three things you can hear." I strained to listen, the sounds around me slowly filtering in. "Your voice... my heart beating... and the ticking of the clock." His smile grew, his pride evident. "Two things you can smell." I inhaled deeply, trying to pull myself further into the moment. "Your cologne... and the coffee you made me earlier." Brady's eyes softened even more. He leaned closer, our foreheads nearly touching as his breath mingled with mine. "One thing you can taste." "My salty tears," I whispered, my voice breaking just a bit. Brady's heart ached for me—I could see it in his eyes—but he stayed strong, unwavering, pulling me into a tight embrace. His arms were like a shield, guarding me from the chaos still swirling in my mind.

"You did amazing," Brady whispered into my hair, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm so proud of you." My body started to relax against him, the tension easing as I let myself melt into his arms. For a moment, I just breathed him in, my head resting on his chest, feeling his heartbeat slow back to its usual steady rhythm. It was like a safe harbor in a storm. When he finally let go, his hand remained on my shoulder, that reassuring weight I needed to feel grounded. He looked me in the eyes, his expression serious but so, so gentle. "Sof, you know I'm here for you, right? Whatever it is, you don't have to handle it alone." I nodded, trying to hold back the tears that still threatened to spill over. "I know," I murmured, my voice shaky but full of trust. "It's just... I can't stop thinking about it." Brady stayed quiet, just letting me gather myself. His hand slid from my shoulder to my hands, which were still fidgeting in my lap.

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