car crashes to a hospital bed-brady

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I was on my way home from the gym, feeling that post-workout high, muscles aching in that satisfying way. My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and all I could think about was peach iced tea and salted caramel pretzels. A quick stop at the store seemed like the perfect plan. As I drove, I called Brady, my heart doing its usual flutter at the sound of his voice. "Hey baby," he answered, warmth radiating through the phone. "Hey Bray Bray, just grabbing a snack. I'll be a bit late." I knew he'd chuckle at my snack choice, but I also knew he'd never turn down those pretzels. "Alright, bubba. Stay safe, okay?" His protective tone made me feel all warm and fuzzy. "I will, I love you." "Love you too," he said, and I could practically feel his arms around me. I parked at the store, still smiling from our chat, but then a wave of dizziness hit me like a truck. Everything spun out of control, and before I knew it, darkness swallowed me whole.

When I came to, bright lights blinded me, and the antiseptic smell made my stomach twist. My head pounded, and I felt like I was gonna hurl. I tried to move, but my whole body screamed in pain. "Mrs. Potter, can you hear me?" a voice cut through the fog, distant but urgent. i groaned, barely managing to open my eyes. The world was a blur, nothing made sense "You were hit by three cars. We're taking you to the hospital." Three cars? My brain couldn't process it. Hospital? Everything felt wrong, like I was in a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. I tried to focus on something, anything, and all I could think of was Brady—his laugh, his scent, the way he held me. "Brady," I whispered, my voice weak, tears mixing with the blood on my face. The ambulance jolted, pain shooting through me so intensely I thought I might black out again. "Sofia, stay with us," someone urged, but I was slipping, the darkness pulling me under.

Next thing I knew, I was in a hospital room. The cold air bit at my skin, the lights above blinding. Everything was a blur of doctors, nurses, and sterile white walls. "Sofia, you're in the hospital. You were in an accident," a nurse said gently, trying to keep me calm. "What happened? Where's Brady?" My voice was hoarse, panic rising in my chest. "You were hit by three cars. You've broken your left leg and right arm. We're taking you for x-rays." Her words barely registered. Pain clouded everything, and all I could think of was Brady. I needed him, needed to hear him tell me it would be okay. They wheeled me to the x-ray room, the fluorescent lights overhead blurring into one long streak. Every bump, every movement sent fresh waves of agony through my body, and I clenched my teeth, trying not to scream. The x-ray room was freezing, the cold metal of the machine biting into my skin. Each time they moved me, it felt like my bones were shattering all over again.

"We're almost done, Sofia. Just a few more," the technician's voice was kind, but I was barely holding on. Finally, they wheeled me back to my room, my body shaking from the cold and the shock. All I wanted was Brady, to feel his hand in mine, to hear him say I'd be okay. The nurse came back, her face softening as she looked at me. "We're getting you settled in your room now. Brady's on his way." His name was the only thing keeping me together. "Thank you," I whispered, trying to hold back the tears. Three hours had passed since Brady last heard from me, and I couldn't shake the pit in my stomach. He checked the tracking app, and my dot was at the hospital. Panic hit him like a freight train. Just as he was about to call me, an unknown number buzzed in.

"Hello?" he said, his voice shaky. "Mr. Brady Potter?" A calm voice asked. "Yeah, that's me." "This is Felix from the ICU. Your wife's in critical condition. You're her only emergency contact." Brady's heart stopped. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he said, hanging up and rushing out the door. The drive felt like it took forever. He skidded into the emergency area and bolted inside. "I'm Brady Potter. Got a call from Nurse Felix. My wife, Sofia, was in an accident. Can I see her?" The receptionist's sympathetic look did nothing for his nerves. She guided him down a white, sterile hallway that smelled strongly of disinfectant, making him queasy. The harsh lights above seemed to mock his panic.

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