fresh start - sofia

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I can't help but look back on the person I was last year compared to who I am now. Winter has a way of transforming everything, and when it finally came around, I was outside every single day with my best friends and family—playing in the snow, making snowmen, having snowball fights, and just enjoying life without the weight of my breakup hanging over me. Winter is my favorite season because my birthday is right in the middle of it. One day, while I was building a snowman that was teetering dangerously to one side, I noticed Brady Potter, my crush, strolling by my house. He stopped for a moment, clearly seeing that I was struggling, and I couldn't help but wave and smile at him. I didn't think much of it then, but looking back, I realize it was one of those moments that felt electric.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm hands on mine. My heart raced as I looked up and came face to face with Brady. He smiled shyly, and my stomach flipped. "Hey, I love you so much, Sofia. No, I'm not saying this in a friend kind of way. I like you a lot. You're so cute. Would you like to go on a date with me? I know you really like me in that way as well." I blinked, surprised at how he could read me so easily. It was as if I were an open book and he was the only one who could read it. My jaw dropped when he suddenly lifted me by my waist and spun me around in his arms, kissing my cheeks and lips. He set me down, and in that instant, my eyes filled with tears. The world blurred around me as I fought to hold them back. I could feel everything—joy, disbelief, excitement—swirling together until it became overwhelming. There was only one way out—I started to cry, feeling the weight of mixed emotions pressing down on me.

Brady's face shifted to concern, and he wrapped me in the most comforting hug I had ever received. I sniffled, trying to regain my composure, and answered his earlier question. "Hey, I love you too, Brady. Yes, I mean in that way. And that date you were talking about? I'd like that a lot." He wiped my tears away with his hoodie, and I felt a surge of warmth and affection. He picked me up again, effortlessly, and carried me to his car. As we drove off, an awkward silence settled between us, thick and heavy with anticipation. A few minutes later, curiosity bubbled up inside me, and I broke the silence. "So where are we going now?" He turned to me, a teasing glint in his eyes. "We can go anywhere you want." My eyes widened as I started to understand what he meant by that. I tucked my hair behind my ear and, channeling my inner Rico Nasty, replied, "We can take it to the car, we can take it to the room."

Brady jumped in his seat, clearly taken aback. I giggled, sneezing as I rummaged through my bag for a tissue. Before I knew it, exhaustion hit me, and I drifted off to sleep, fingers crossed that he'd chosen the room for our date, hehehe. When Brady pulled up at his house, he glanced back to see me peacefully asleep in the passenger seat. His heart swelled. "Aww, Sofia is so cute when she's sleeping. Poor thing must've caught a cold from trying to build that snowman countless times." He gently laid me down on his bed, adjusting the heater to a toasty 25 degrees Celsius, hoping to warm me up from the chill outside. Just as he stepped out of the room, he heard me stir awake. "Hey baby, your bed is so comfortable. It'll be more so if your hot body were laying on it though, if I'm honest."

I laughed, feeling my cheeks heat up as I took off my sweater, revealing my skin-tight black long-sleeve shirt and grey sweatpants. "No, it's fine. I'll cook up some dinner for us. You need to test for Covid; if you don't test positive, then it's just a cold. But if you, God forbid, test positive, then you have Covid. Mkay? I'll leave you to it. I love you, Bubba, in case you do have a cold or, God forbid, Covid." I let out a sigh and nodded. "Mkay, Bae, will do. Fingers crossed I don't have Covid." He blew me a kiss as he left the room—our room, I reminded myself with a smile.

After he left, I sat there for a second, feeling a little flutter of nerves in my stomach. "Okay, Sofia," I muttered to myself, "time to get ready, just in case he's planning something." I jumped out of bed, walking over to my vanity and flipping on the light. My reflection stared back at me, a bit pale from being under the weather, but that wasn't gonna stop me from trying to look cute. I grabbed my foundation and started dabbing it on, followed by a soft pink blush to bring some life back into my cheeks. Eyeshadow was next—nothing too bold, just a warm, glittery shade that made my eyes pop. I swiped on some lipstick, a soft rose color, before changing into a lavender skin-tight shirt that I'd been dying to wear. The white puffer jacket was a must—it was freezing outside—and I topped it off with a cute grey beanie to complete the cozy look.

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