Chapter 11

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Your Boyfriend is Jealous

(Authors pov)
(Next day)

Today is Saturday, no classes and no homeworks for today, only a club that you wanted to attend to, the 'Stitching Club', you walked to schol by yourself until someone gently hold your hands and intertwined it.

You flinch at that touch, you were about to punch that person who holding your hands, as you turn and ready to punch suddenly the punch you threw was caught by a guy's hands, 'Guy's hands', your eyes shift to his face and finally you felt relieved and shock at the same time.

"Jeno?!, what are you doing in here?" You asked shock as he slowly lowered your hand as he holds them, you felt warm from your bare hands as you quickly look away to hide your flustered face.

He chuckled as he kissed your  cheeks, you jolt at his action.

"To see you of course, and I know you will go to school for your stitch club, right?" He calmly said, as you were completely shock at it.

'How did he know that I was attending for my club?' You thought, overthinking again.

"Now now, don't be such a overthinker my love, should we go now?, or else you'll be late for something?" He sweetly said and winked at you, blush wash all over to your face as you nod.

You both walking to school while holding hands until the school reach.

Lot's of students looking at you shock and gossiping.

You look at them with your death glare as they jolt and immediately looking away, Jeno notice that as he trying to know you well.

He smiled as he pulled you to his embrace as his shoulder wrapped around you and kissed you on the forehead

"Damn, I didn't know that our school President and the new Vice President was in a relationship?" Other student whispering.

"Me too, I was shock too and I heard yesterday from the other student in class A-2,they said that Jeno courted her and asked her to his girlfriend." Other student said.

"Well, I still ship them tho"

"Me too"


You both finally arrived at your club as you open the door, you receive a morning greeting from your members as you greet them all back.

"Pres, I heard that you and the newly Vice are dating?!" One of your member said, you can't help but blushed as your members squealed at you.

"I..umm..I don't know what to say." You said while trying to calm yourself down.

Jeno suddenly walk inside as your members squealed for you both, you look at Jeno who were smiling warm at you.

"Hehe, I heard you been talking about our relationship to your president tho?" He said calmly as you members squealed again and again.

"Omygosh!, I ship them!!"
"Me too!!!acckk"

You hushed them all as they went silent but secretly squealing silently.

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