Open sea

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"Kalani get home now! And bring your brothers!" The sound of my fathers voice boomed through our mind link giving me a headache. I groaned and turned to face my 6 older brothers. They were playing sea soccer with a large sized pumice, there last bit of sanity before the storm. Being locked inside with my family for three days was not something I looked forward to. I could already feel the currents growing slightly stronger but the storm wasn't set to hit for another few hours.

"Guys Dad says we gotta go." They turned to face me, out of breathe, as their tails glistened in the disappearing sunlight.

"Alright let's head home." Said Zale, he was the oldest, the biggest, the heir. He was always the most responsible, hence the first to stop playing and lead the way home. Caspian was not far behind him, the second eldest, they both shared dark brown hair and navy blue tails spotted with golden flecks. They were very protective over me, but they loved me, they just didn't have the time to show it. The younger four on the other hand did, I was very close to them and we spent a lot of time together. Zak was the third eldest and he had grown into his tale the most out of the younger boys, he was still sensible like the eldest, but he knew how to have fun. Next was Tasman and Triton — the twins, and then Hurly. They caused the most trouble and made the household chaotic. If you didn't know who they were you'd doubt they were of royal blood.

"Stick together guys, it's not supposed to be this bad this early." Zale said charging ahead. He was right, the currents were now relentless and if they weren't sweeping us towards home it would be a painful swim back. The twins, Zak, and Hurly were behind me still messing around from earlier, but as I looked up and saw the waves grow bigger and bigger, I became more worried.

"Stop messing around Zak it's getting worse." I knew he would be the only one to hear me out of the four. His eyes darted to mine with concern before glancing up to see the cause of my worry. He swam closer and placed his hand on my back, comforting me, which did not go unnoticed. The boys stopped there bickering and powered ahead. Caspian and Zale were now a fair distance in front, we were almost home and soon we would be safe. We continued our journey but it became harder and harder.

"Is the current turning?" Said Triton from behind me.

"They shouldn't, not for another hour." Shouted Hurly.

"But then again it shouldn't have struck this early at all." Added Tasman. My stomach sunk before I could even realise the gap growing between me and Zak. I grabbed onto his wrist before getting swept away.

"Guys!" The action was continued down the line until a chain was formed.

"Caspian!" I screamed at the top of my lungs,


They were nowhere to be seen. As the clouds grew darker so did the water. The sunlight was no longer penetrating down below, and that along with the sand flying up from the sea floor made it almost impossible to see.

"Dad, Mum! Help us, we can't fight the current we are being swept North." I buzzed into our families link.

"We were just with you! Where are you?" Zale declared.

"I can't recognize anything man, we've drifted pretty far." Panic was laced in Hurlys thoughts despite his effort to hide it.

"There has to be something, try to find shelter." My mums voice entered the link. Immediately soothing me, she had a way with comfort. I saw Zak look around for something, anything, I could see the boys follow, there glowing eyes darting everywhere. There mers were on edge, escalating the situation even more.

"Kalani, watch out!" Tasman reached for my head, I turned around and came face to face with an object and before I could react. Darkness clouded my vision.


Sorry for the short chapter I needed to seperate it from the rest 😬

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