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"Wake up!" The ringing echoed in my head, I couldn't cope with the loud voices and I felt like hell. I woke to hands gripping my shoulders shaking me.

"Kai wake up!" Screamed Triton. My eyes fluttered open to see my brothers worried faces staring down at me. Air. I was breathing air. I began to choke, the unfamiliar feeling scratching at my throat. It was dry. So dry. But that was the least of my worries as I realized with air comes land. My eyes shot down to my lower half, thankfully covered with sand. My legs were bare and I could hear my brothers mumbling but I couldn't concentrate right now. Where were we and what the hell happened? A sharp pain shot through my head, I grasped it and groaned before looking down at the blood on my hands. It wasn't much. I would be fine right? I glanced down to my wrist, were the small lump was evident. I ran my hand over the submerged scale. My mate Marino. We were only potential bond mates and decided to commit to the mark about a year ago. The thought of him made my stomach wirl, my mer did not like being so far away from him. I was scared, i missed my parents, my other brothers. The boys sensed my confusion and worry.

"Kai don't worry we'll find our way home." Said Zak.

"Don't move your head to much it needs to heal." Hurly rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"Where are we?" My voice cracked out.

"Not to scare you or anything, but no where near home." Tasman scratched the back of his head letting out a huff.

"Pine trees, coarse sand, no reef. We're not off the coast of Hawaii anymore." Triton said looking around hopelessly. He was right, where were the palm trees? I hadn't been on land much in my life, it was safer for us in the ocean and I hadn't fully grown into my tail yet, nor controlled my powers. And mine were one heck of a pain to control. That's probably why it's taken me so long. Zale and Caspian had been on land multiple times, mostly following my dad to important meetings and sorting out things for our pod. Zak sometimes went with them, but not much. To sum it up, our experience was slim and we were borderline fucked.

"What are we going to do?" I fretted, beginning to panic.

"Your not going to do anything until I get some seaweed on that injury of yours." Tasman dipped the seaweed in the calm water that lapped the shore. Shaking excess water off before wrapping my head.

"I'm going to look stupid." I whined, adjusting the thick strap around my head. Gaining a few bit back laughs and hidden smiles from the boys.

"Marinos not here for you to impress anyway." Teased Hurly. Ouch.

"Too soon?" He grimaced. I let out a laugh and got up with the help of my brothers. I didn't show the effect that comment had on me. I was worried. I'd never been away from him for more than a couple of days since the mark, and I knew it was going to drive me crazy, the bond had a way of doing that to you. Not long after standing up I was back where I started. This whole legs thing was going to take a while getting used to. I don't know how my brothers managed it with ease. I was probably disadvantaged with my lack of experience. We trekked through forest leading off the beach for what felt like forever. My newly formed legs were aching but I had no choice but to keep going.

"What's the plan?" Zak asked as we came to a halt behind a thick bush. We now had a few leaves wrapped around us as makeshift clothes.

"Wont make it far looking like this." Stated Triton. A short distance away walked a man, clicking his car keys behind him.

"Well that was stupid."

"Tasman- the plan—" Tasman jumped forward from behind the bush charging at the open roofed jeep in front of him.

"He never really was one for plans." Triton darted forward following his twin and jumped in the back. Zak, Hurly and I shared hopeless glances before sneaking forward and following their actions. Zak pushed Tasman out of the drivers seat and began hot wiring the car. Attempting to at least. Triton began searching over the back seat into what looked like a bag. Not long after he pulled out a shirt, and some gym shorts.

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