Distance makes the heart grow fonder

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My heart dropped at the sight of the fragile girl dive off the edge of the cliff. It scared the shit out of me, a feeling I had never felt before. My packs concerning questions flowed through our link, they had never heard me roar to that extent before. I hadn't either, I don't know what came over me. I knew immediately as soon as her scent hit mine, that nothing in this world would ever stop me from being with her. That was until she ran away from me. I was overloading with emotions, anger — how could she run from the bond? Why would she run from the bond? But I had no time to be angry at her, because I had just chased her to her death. My wolf broke at the situation in front of me, he treated when I needed him most, and forced me to take control. He was angry at me, angry that I had just chased our mate off a cliff. How could I be so stupid? Of course she would be afraid, she's probably never seen a werewolf in her life let alone believe in their existence. She was human, much to my surprise.

The boys raced out from behind me towards the edge of the cliff. Making me realize that I was frozen in place, this wasn't like me, what was happening to me? I pushed forward, regaining my dominance and letting out a low growl. They didn't turn around at the sound, they didn't even flinch. Curiosity got the best of me, mainly my wolf, I took a quick glance over the cliff, only now realizing just how high it was. My wolf turned cold, turning his back on me.

I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding at the sight of her nowhere to be seen, she had disappeared. The tiny piece of hope I had left inside me pushed me to find her. If she wasn't dead on those rocks where was she? Could she have survived? I know I sure as hell couldn't live without know.

"Fuck you!" A boy screamed at me, he was tall and built well, with blonde shaggy hair. My wolf didn't  like the fact that he was hanging around my mate or the relationship they could have shared. I snapped at him, a sign to not push me. He stood there fuming, the other boys holding him back, at least they knew best. My patience was slim to nil at this point, I had to find her, and this boys sure as hell weren't getting in my way. I growled before dashing back into the forest.

"Send the entire pack to coastline. NOW!" I shouted through the pack link.

"On our way." Liam replied calmly, he never questioned me, he always understood. That's why I made him my Beta.

I flew through the forest, pawing the ground beneath me. I felt the thick soil flicking up behind me. My wolf grew impatient, forcing me to take the short cut. I took a sharp left before declining down a rocky slope. Sharp shards sliced through my fur, leaving cuts on my midnight coat, I couldn't feel them, my thoughts too consuming. After a tiring run, I arrived at the beach. Gloomy clouds rolled over the horizon and the trees began to sway in the wind. A storm would hit soon, and it wouldn't be safe to be outdoors. We had to work fast. Hundreds of wolves stood in the distance, I could here the curious discussions from afar. Liam stepped towards me once he noticed my appearance.

"Good to see you boss, how was your trip?" Jacob asked coming to stand beside Liam. I shot him a dangerous glare, now was not the time to ask about my trip away, especially not under the circumstances of my arrival.

"Everyone scout the shoreline, split up. I want groups of four taking as many boats as we have along the coast. If you find a girl tell me straight away!" I fumed stalking off towards the bottom of the cliffs. I shifted quickly, grabbing a random pair of shorts out of the nearest bush. My body temperature was warm enough. I heard Liam's steps behind me before he calmly said,

"Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"I found my mate." I huffed. Pacing forward not waiting for him to catch up.

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