The feeling

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"Get up." Zak said sternly. I stayed still, jaw dropped, in shock of the howl I just heard. Was that a wolf? Is that what a wolf sounded like? How close was it?

"Now!" He yelled. I wasted no time picking up the few items I had and stumbling after my brothers. We raced back to the car and skidded out of the forest.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"I don't know." Triton pinched the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh of annoyance.

"Was that what I think it was.." I asked quietly, almost to myself rather than my brothers.

"Werewolves." Tasman nodded.

"You remember what Mom and Dad say?" Triton asked, glancing at us through the mirror. I turned to Hurly and we both repeated,
"Don't fuck with wolves."

"Don't ever forget it." Zak barked. He was stressed, I could tell. If Zak was stressed it was bad, especially if he took the time to show it. Mom and Dad always drilled it into our brains, do not mess with wolves, if we ever came face to face with one we would be on their land which meant outnumbered and outsmarted. They told us we would be the prey, no longer the predator like back in the ocean. I never argued against it, no matter how frustrated it made me. I wasn't going to let some dog boss me around and scare me just for power. But deep down I knew I would be no match, not on land. Not until I had controlled my powers.

Hints of orange started spreading along the horizon indicating the sun would rise soon. Day two of being on land and I already missed home so much. I missed my parents. I missed my seabed. And I missed Marino. The pull the mate bond had on me was hurting more and more. I felt empty inside, like nothing would ever make me happy again. Except him. But I couldn't dwell on that, if I wanted to see him again I would have to focus on finding a way home.

"What's the plan." Asked Hurly earning a chuckle from Tasman.

"The plan is the same as yesterday. Keep your eye out for that mer symbol and hope it's out the front of a real estate agent." Zak stated.

"If it's not a property shop, they can still help us. We are going to need phones, we don't even know where we are or where anything is. But then of course we will need money, we need access to our parents human fund but we'll have to go to a bank for that."

It sounded like a lot of work and I was not excited. It was the one time I was thankful to be the youngest sibling and let my brothers take control of it.

"C'mon let's link up." Triton said, phasing out and obviously tuning into finding our new link. I shut my eyes and focused. Racked my brain for any feeling, any sign. I felt a push, it was faint but it was there, I grabbed onto it and pulled it closer.

"Hear me?" Hurly asked through the link.

"Yep." My brothers all replied in unison.

It was a relief to have some form of communication in case we got lost. As we continued driving, more and more buildings were evident. At least now we were closer to some kind of civilization, with humans it would be a piece of cake, we could go about our day and hopefully find a way home. With wolves however, that was another story. I hoped we were further enough away now that they couldn't bother us. I viewed the sign above us as the jeep rolled under it, Welcome to Vancouver.

"CANADA?!?" Tasman cried, "We're in fucking Canada?!!?"

"This can't be happening." Hurly groaned sliding down and sinking into his seat.

"This is not good." Triton let out, face palming.

"I hate Canada." Tasman whined, slumping in his seat like a child.

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