Under the sea

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It was a cold Monday morning, much too cold for us mers, and to make matters worse, our first day of school. It had been about a week now, being human, it felt like forever since we had been in open sea, the last time I shifted was in the bath tub. Because of this my energy levels were depleted, but we just didn't have enough time, moving into a house without anything to move into it is harder than you think. We spent days shopping to my dislike, purchasing full new wardrobes for each of us, we expected we may be here a while. I was almost...nervous for our first day of school. I didn't know what to wear or how to do my hair, it was much easier under the sea. Thankfully, attractiveness was a trait in most mers, pushing my insecurities away.

"Kai coke eat breakfast." Zak yelled from downstairs. I could hear the sizzle and smell the bacon from upstairs, my stomach growling with hunger. In human form we still have access to our abilities, heightened senses mainly.

I hadn't been on land much, making this week of adjusting hell for me, I can hear every single noise within a mile radius and without it under control it drives me nuts. We also have increased speed, this one I didn't mind at all, all five of us have been going on runs, long runs. We are no longer swimming constantly and exercising so we had to resort to this. We set some ground rules that we promised we would all stick too, one being not to run by yourself. We saw multiple items of clothing throughout the forest, a sign of wolf activity. They attempted to hide it, mostly in small burrows, thick bushes, and the hollows in trees, but not very well. The chance that humans wandered into forest as dense as this was slim to none. Our lack of experience as humans made everything a bit mysterious to us. We didn't know what we were capable of, and it's not like we could contact our parents or brothers and simply ask them. We planned to though, on the next full moon. Our powers would be heightened and we decided we would find a sea cave under one of the cliffs around here.

I made my way downstairs where my brothers were all sat at the table digging in. I joined them and we ate in silence. No one really felt like talking, I guess we were all mentally preparing for what the day would bring us. I had cleared my plate and was about to down my glass of orange juice when I realized they were all looking at me. Whatever there concern was, was obviously discussed already. Stupid mind link.

"What now?" I asked rolling my eyes.

Tasman let out a sigh before answering, "We just need to, you know, discuss some things before school."

"Like what?" I spat.

"Like wolves. If anyone one of them so much as looks at you the wrong way. You tell us. If they make a move on you, you tell us. If they speak to you the wrong way, you tell us."

"Got it?" Zak added to Tasmans rant.

"Yeah I got it." I said dismissing there protectiveness. "I can take care of myself you know."

"You shouldn't have to." Hurly added with disgust. These wolves were proving to already be a problem and we hadn't even entered school grounds yet.

"There will be unmated wolves Kai. They don't know your mated, they won't look for the scale, they don't even fucking believe we exist." Said Triton.

"Unmated wolves and there stupid hormones are something to take seriously. That's why we ask that you tell us if anything happens, none of that attitude with them okay?" Tasman gently added.


"Are we all ready to go?" Hurly asked standing up and grabbing his plate. I nodded and we dumped our dishes in the sink before heading out. We had replaced the stolen jeep with a mustang, probably leaving a bit of a dent in our parents account but if they were to access it at least they'd know we were alive.

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