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We quickly checked where our first classes were and compared our time tables. My elected classes were English, Math, Science, Geography, History, Art, and PE. I was alone in History and Math, but every other class I had at least one brother in. To my luck I had history first and just as I was about to complain, the second bell went.

"Great, we're late." I said looking annoyed at my brothers. Tasman just shrugged his shoulders, none of them could care less about human school. They all of course made sure to walk me to class, which I profusely asked them not too.

"Find us at lunch." Zak reminded.

"Yeah okay, I will." I ushered whilst walking into my class. Realizing I probably look crazy and like I'm talking to no one, I stopped, my cheeks flushed red before I turn to face the teacher at the front.

"Sorry I'm late." I said giving him a small smile.

"Oh that's no worries at all, you must be Kalani?" He asked earning a nod from me. I started dreading the class introduction, where he would ask me to say things about myself, thing I wouldn't be able to explain, god I wasn't prepared for this. I mentally slapped myself when he said,

"Take a seat." With a kind smile. I let out a sigh of relief and searched for an empty seat, there was two next to each other in the back corner. I looked to see who sat in the third and of course, of course it had to be him. I approached the back quietly and set my books a seat away from him in the corner.

"I don't bite." He whispered, offering me a smile and ushering me to take a seat next to him. My cheeks lit up red for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"Liam." He introduced, holding out his hand to which I shook. I flinched at the touch, he swallowed and looked away. I notice the teacher peeking up the back but quickly looking away once I noticed. He continued to write on the board and began teaching the topic. Greek mythology it was. God I would ace human school. I almost wished I was as dumb as a human then I would actually have to listen and have something to do in class. Time went slower then ever and my boredom grew more and more.

"You feel it aswell?" Liam whispered. I turned confused, until I realized what he meant. Shit. Shit shit shit. What would a human say? Do humans still feel mate bonds? Fuck. Yes of course they do, wolves can me mated to humans. Act confused.

"I-I think so." I stuttered.

"I'm not sure what it is, and I'm sure you won't understand, but I can explain it to you one day, I just have to figure it out myself." He said furrowing his brows deep in thought. I just nodded dumbly, trying my best to imitate a human. The time flew by from then on because my mind was racing, I too had this to figure out. He was 100% a wolf, he smelt like one, and god he looked like one. As much as I hate to admit it, these wolves are good looking, there fit and strong, and always tall. A nice break from the merman back home. Although I would never do anything but look from afar, I don't need anyone but Marino. This couldn't be good though, some kind of bond, with a wolf? Really.

"You good." Tasmans voice rang through our family link.

"You won't believe who's in my class." I replied.

"Who?" They all replied at once.


"Who's Liam????" Zak asked.

"The guy that gave us the time." I answered.

"And why do you know his name kai?" Triton nagged.

"Because I'm sitting next to him, he introduced himself to me. He's really nice guys."

"He's a wolf." Hurly reminded.

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