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I awoke to the gentle light filtering through the blinds on my window. It complimented my skin nicely and reminded me of home, the sun always shined at home. My warm blankets consumed me making it just that more difficult for me to escape my bed. A scent wafted into my bedroom, sweet pancakes and maple. An internal battle between my bed and breakfast left me idle in my bed.

"Wakey wakey!" Tasman barged into my bedroom jumping on top of my covers.

"Stop!" I squealed as he tickled me, squirming around trying to escape his grasp. I finally surrendered, earning an accomplished grin from my brother. He pulled me out of bed and my stomach grumbled as I closed in on the pancakes.

"Morning little sister." Zak smiled.

"Morning." I said sitting at the table in my favorite chair.

My scale began to itch more than usual. I looked down at it in shock and gasped.

"What?" Hurly inquired.

"My mark." I frowned, it was extremely red, one side of the scale was pushed up towards the surface of my skin.

"What's happening to it? Show me yours." I shrieked, extending Zaks arm to view his mark. He also had a mate, as did Zak and Capsian. His was perfectly normal, in place. It couldn't be because Marino was a potential mate because Zak also was mated with only a potential mate.

"Why is it only happening to me?" I fretted, beginning to grow worried. Tasman and Triton approached closer to also get a look at it. They all grimaced at the irritated sore. I began to wonder whether the feeling in the pit of my stomach was because of the pancakes I just ate, or because of how the mate bond was effecting me from being away from him for so long. It had been a week since we had talked to our parents. A solid week at school, we reigned ourselves back in for the remainder of the week, the altercation was a result of our anger getting the best of us. But something about Jacob made me feel unsafe, and the way he raked his eyes up my body unsettled me. During the remainder of the week it happened a few more times with other boys, mainly wolves, but my brothers let out low grumbles and glared at them. None of those boys made me feel as uncomfortable at Jacob, but I assumed it was his position as a Gamma, and the power that surrounded him.

"Let's get it cleaned up." Tasman fussed, grabbing our first aid kit and grabbing out a few items.

"If it was just a cut or you injured it somehow, it would of naturally healed by now. It looks like it's rejecting it?" Triton spoke in disbelief.

"Rejecting??? What do you mean rejecting?" I stuttered.

"I'm not sure, it's just a guess, but look at how it's trying to eject itself." Triton said taking a closer look.

"What the fuckkk." Tasman said eyeing it. He finished cleaning it up before bandaging it. I sat in silence, my thoughts running a thousand miles an hour. I was extremely confused, why would it reject itself?

"Do you think this happens to a lot of people?" I questioned, grabbing my belongings as we exited our house. They all stole glances at each other before Zak replied,

"I'm sure it happens all the time."

Great, so it never fucking happens and no one knows what the fuck is happening to me.

We piled into our mustang as the engine purred, rolling out of the driveway. The ride to school was quiet and an unknown feeling returned to my stomach. A mixture of butterflies, pure fear, and warmth. Again, I was extremely confused. Maybe my senses were just heightened and I was still adjusting to my human form. But i had this gut feeling that something bad was about to happen. As I looked down at the small bandage covering my wound, I couldn't help but think of Marino. I missed his kind gestures and loving kisses. I wondered what he was thinking and doing, if he missed me, or worried about me. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as we got out of the car. We had PE first, which I was glad about, it was the one class that we were all together for. Zak was enrolled into the grade above the rest of us but luckily PE combined certain classes together.

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