Mr Mcullen

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"Your a long way from home kids." The inquisitive teacher fussed. We were all sat in the front row of his class whilst he sat comfortably up the front.

"Frank help ya out?" We nodded.

"There's only a few merfolk around Vancouver, they're all pretty good at disguising themselves so I doubt you'll notice them. It's good he had you enrolled here that way I can keep an eye on you, make sure your fitting in ok." He nodded to himself.

"I don't want to fit in with those mutts anyway." Zak was still upset about the altercation today, to which Mr Mcullen could sense.

"Do you know who the wolf is? Shorter, brown scruffy hair, got a bit of a bite to him?" Triton asked.

"Ahhh, I believe you would be talking about the Tikaani packs Gamma." He replied, earning confused looks from all of us.

"Sorry, we aren't really familiar with all the dog terms." Tasman stated, earning quite the laugh from Mr Mcullen, I'm sure he wasn't used to merfolk talking down upon wolves whilst on their territory.

"So you have the Alpha, which I'm sure you probably know, then you have the Beta's, the second in commands. They are often the strongest and largest of the pack. Then you have omegas, regular wolves belonging to the pack. There are other fancy terms for their particular roles, a gamma is, in a way, the packs lead warrior. Hence Jacobs prior attitude." He chuckled obviously finding humor in who we now know to be Jacob, aggressive behavior.

"Do you know a lot about werewolves?" Triton questioned, of course seeking for more knowledge, I'm sure he'd have a pile of books on them in no time. It was probably a good idea here did, to be one step ahead we needed to understand these wolves and be able to predict there actions.

"I've been studying them my whole life. Particularly this pack. I moved here by myself when I was 18, I had only just grown into my tail and been in control of my abilities, I always thought that anyone else would mess it up, best to come alone and that way I didn't have to worry about anyone else. It's important you don't slip up kids, these wolves are dangerous, I chose this pack in particular because of there size and position." He explained.

"Position?" I asked.

"They are one of the most feared packs in the world. That's why it's important you guys fly under the radar, and get yourselves home as soon as you can okay? You have a kingdom to run, if one of these wolfs walks in on you somewhere with your tail, they will rip your throat out. There vicious. They lack empathy. And when they fear something, there animalistic instincts kick in, and boy would they fear us." He let out a sinister laugh and continued,

"They've tried to deny the fact that we are real for centuries, and not out of disbelief, but out of fear. The thought of another species being able to shift like them? Have abilities whilst still in human form? They would not like that, so for us, it's safer we execute there disbelief, okay?" He articulated.

"Guess it's not really ideal that i share a bond with one then." I began fiddling with my fingers nervously.  Mr Mcullens head wipping to my instantly.

"What kind of bond Kalani?" He professed.

"She doesn't know. We've been trying to figure it out since last week." My brother answered.

"It's not a potential mate bond, I know that for sure." I said looking down at Marinos scale,

"It's something different, he spoke to me today, told me I wouldn't understand but that once he figured it out, he would explain it all."

"That is quite strange, it's quite rare for a mermaid to share any kind of bond with another species other then ourselves, if anything it'd be a human. But a wolf, that can't be right." He scratched his head.

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