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you looked out the restaurant window, leg bouncing impulsively while you waited for your husband to get back. he had insisted that the two of you go out for dinner, a date night since it's been so long. there was only one problem with that.

you couldn't stand him.

your husband was a lying, cheating, bafoon of a man with all his brain cells focused on what he could do next to get his dick wet. the love between you two was fast and spontaneous. you'd dated for about 5 months before he proposed and with a mind clouded with emotion, you said yes without hesitation.

now you're nearing your two-year anniversary and all you can think about is when your lawyer's going to get back to you. when you had just found out, you were too filled with grief and betrayal to think about divorce. you'd loved him and the thought of parting with him felt more painful than staying and trying to fix things. it took a couple of months before you confronted him, and instead of owning up to his shit, he claimed you were being paranoid and insecure.

that was when the denial turned into anger and you consulted your friends. they were all headstrong women so there was no voice of reason among the four of you. divorce and murder were the only options on the table and after serious brainstorming divorce seemed like the best choice. you were too pretty for jail.

never before had you been so happy that you signed a prenup before marriage. it was your mother's idea, and even though at the time you thought it would never be needed, now you were glad she insisted.

your whole family told you that it was a bad idea to marry spirit. he was a known flirt and though you tried not to judge he was married before with a kid. that put a lot of pressure on you and only added to your anxieties. thankfully his daughter was old enough to not look to you as a mother figure and the two of you kept a casual and respectful bond. she was a nice kid and the bicker between her and her father was amusing.

as you played with the napkin that sat on your lap you looked over to see your idiot of a husband having a hushed conversation on the phone in the corner.

the blush that tinted his cheeks made you sigh with frustration. he was so sloppy with hiding it that you couldn't even take him seriously. the love you had from him drained into resentment and annoyance. even sharing a bed with him pissed you off but the constant reassurance from your friends that it was only a matter of time brought you back to earth.

a buzz from your own phone made you look down. it was a text from mira, one of your closest and oldest friends. see, the only reason you were still sitting here while your soon-to-be ex-husband was off giggling on the phone was you planned on giving him the divorce papers here. with that being said going back home with him was out of the question, so you'd asked mira to go to your house and pack all your things.

you'd recently got your own place on the other side of town and she'd just texted you that the moving truck was taking your things there. why did you need moving trucks? because you'd pretty much bought all the furniture in your shared apartment and you'd be damned if you let this bastard keep your things.

you checked your watch and sighed, looking over to see spirit finally walking back over to your table. he smiled sheepishly at you and mumbled about work needing him. it took everything in you not to scoff.

taking a deep breath you pulled out an envelope and placed it between you. he looked at the manila folder then at you, a red brow quirked up.

"spirit I'm just going to be straight with this ok?" he nodded slowly. "you and I both know this isn't a happy and healthy marriage. you are constantly cheating on me and I'm not happy here."

he opened his mouth to protest but you put a finger up to stop him. "I've tried to talk to you and you just brush me off. i really did love you but at this point, I can't even stand being in the same house as you let alone being your spouse. please sign these divorce papers. so the both of us can be free. i can be free to enjoy my life and you can be free to be the manwhore that you are." you slide the folder over to him along with a pen from your purse and leaned back into the cushined chair.

arms crossed over your chest you observed him. his brows frowned as he pulled the papers towards him. his blue-green eyes scanned the paper before he sighed, and looked at you with pleading eyes. you gave no reaction.

"what are you gonna do about the house? I'm sure you don't want to stay with me until the... divorce is finalized."

"don't worry about that. let's just say you're gonna go home and find a pretty empty apartment." you chuckled, the look on his face we priceless.

with a trembling hand he signed the papers and handed them back to you, his bottom lip quivering.

"oh don't you fucking dare. after everything, you shouldn't be surprised. these are the consequences of your actions. you'd go out there and stick your dick in everything that walked then come home and say you're too tired to even kiss me." you face was filled with hurt as you rose from your seat. bag under your arm you started to leave but suddenly stopped.

"tell maka that I'm sorry and I hope we can stay in touch."

you  walked out into the garage of the building, searching for your car. though your face was neutral your mind was racing with a million thoughts at once. your heart thumped against your ribs and your breathing was becoming labored. un-locking your car you stepped in and slammed the door shut, forehead pushed firmly into the steering wheel.

you should be over this. with everything you've gone through up until now, all the grief and crying and anger. making him sign a couple papers shouldn't have you this distraught.

but you knew, deep down, it hurt to walk away from him. despite everything he was the person you swore to stick beside and now, that was gone. and for your own sake, there was no turning back.

 and for your own sake, there was no turning back

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