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a white dress shirt hugged their torso, outlining large muscular arms. a gold cross necklace hung around his neck and only brought more attention to his exposed chest, the top three buttons of their shirt undone. you saw a tattoo peck out with ever step he took and lord did you want to see exactly what is was. black jeans adorned his lower half along with black dress shoes.

his tan skin almost glowed in the dim light of the bar and his dark hair sat perfectly styled on his head. it looked dark brown and soft. you wanted to pull on it, run hands through it. just thinking about that made you drool.

hearing the sound of glass hitting the table you glanced over to see the bartender placing your drinks down.

"enjoy." he said quickly, before rushing off to help someone else. you grabbed your drink and brought it to your lips, tossing a quick glance to stein. he had his back to the bar, elbows placed on it as he leaned back. one hand held his drink and the other hung lazily. yellowish green eyes looked sharp as he surveyed the room.

"see anything you like?" you asked, mimicking his position. he scoffed, rolling his head over to you. you watched his eyes flicker over your body, slowly. drinking you all in.

"yeah but they wanna mingle."

what do you even say to that? exactly, you didn't know and was now just staring at him. mouth slightly agape and heart beating rapidly.

he smiled at you though his eyes didn't match it. " go mingle, i'll be here waiting for you." he tossed his head towards the crowd of people and you slowly obliged, managing to wipe the shock from your face.

your eyes automatically landed on the guy from earlier and to your luck and surprise he was already looking at you. hunger and interest present in his gaze.

now we're talking.

you made your way over, maneuvering past people with your eyes still locked with his. once you finally got before him you gulped start the size difference. he was fucking huge.

he looked down at you past his nose, a smirk playing at his lips.

"and how can i help you beautiful?"

you scoffed, arms crossed behind you. " i was wondering the same thing."

stein watched from his place at the bar, face neutral but his mind reeling. sure, it was his idea to come here but damn did it tick him off to see you giggling at some muscle heads dumb jokes.

"damn, stare a little hard why don't ya?" the bartender laughed from behind him. nick was his name and stein and him went pretty far back. he's even go as far as calling them close. stein looked at him with a glare which was returned with even louder laughter.

"so go ahead, tell me the story." nick urged, leaning into his large hands.

stein rolled his eyes, " there is no story."

𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 | f. steinWhere stories live. Discover now