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warning - smut

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warning - smut

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like clockwork you got ready. your mind played out every scenario while your body just got hotter and hotter. it's been a long while since you've been sexual with someone else. since you'd finally made up your mind to divorce spirit, actually. to say you were pent up would be an understatement and you wouldn't be surprised if he found cobwebs down there. it was depressing.

you slipped on your favorite pair of scandalous lingerie and tossed on an oversized t-shirt. you were in the kitchen, drinking a big glass of water when you heard a knock on the door. your heart jumped to your throat, sweat lining your palms. sure, you could end this if you wanted but you didn't. you wanted this. you wanted him.

you opened the door and shut it almost in the same breath. your back against the cool wall while you stared up into hungry yellowish-green eyes. his breath ghosted your lips and your entire body trembled with yearning.

"just say no anytime and i'll stop." he dipped his head into the crook of your neck and the warmth of his skin almost sent you into a frenzy.

"go all the way. i want this."

his cool hands latched onto your hips and pulled you towards him. you felt his length press against you and wanted to moan just at that. he took your lips into a heated kiss and let his tongue explore every inch of your mouth. one hand ran along his back and the other tangled into his hair, pulling sharply when he began grinding.

you pulled away with a gasp and hummed when he went to your neck, kissing and nibbling. you tugged at his shirt and he groaned, unlatching himself and practically ripping off his shirt. you shamelessly stared at his abs, they weren't chiseled but defiantly visible. you ran a hand down them and loved the shiver that ran through the man before you. your hand stopped just at the hem of his shorts and you looked up, locking eyes with him.

you went to grab his hand and pulled him towards your room, "lemme show you a good time dr. stein."

stein's heart rate increased impossibly. you pushed him onto the bed and climbed on yourself. kneeling atop him you sensually took off your shirt and tossed it to the side. taking in the scene before him, stein took in a pained breath through his teeth. you dipped down and attacked his lips, hands at either side of his head. the position you were in was giving you an incredible amount of confidence and you intended to use it for evil.

you moved your kisses to his jaw, then his neck then hovered over his chest. you looked up, "did you know that men's nipples are 3x more sensitive?"

you placed a wet kiss on the pink bud and smirked at the gasp he let out.

"did you know that dr. stein?"

𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 | f. steinWhere stories live. Discover now