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you'd made your way to your new apartment, some groceries filled your hand while you waddled to your new front door. fresh, shiny paint coated the tall sleek door and you punched in your door code, pulling down the silver doorknob. today had been a long day and you really needed to relax.

putting the bags down on the counter you smiled at the note mira had left for you on the fridge.

everything is here and accounted for! I'm needed for a business trip this week so we can't celebrate but i left you a surprise in the fridge ;)

you chuckled at the freshly sealed bottle sitting in your empty fridge. mira was something else, but you loved her with all your heart. you'd been together since school days and at this point, you were like siblings, practically attached by the hip.

maneuvering around boxes you made your way into your new room and brought the bag with all your toiletries into the bathroom. after a nice, long, hot shower you lotioned your body tenderly. admiring every corner and inch of skin before slipping into something comfortable. it was the beginning of summer and with the idea to sit outside you put on some pajama shorts and a comfy top.

slides on your feet you walked to the kitchen and poured yourself a nice sized glass of mira's gift. shuffling to your window you slide it open with some force and climbed your way out. you settled yourself onto a step of the fire escape and looked out onto the road below you. you weren't on such a high floor so it wasn't scary but it wasn't near either. you observed the people below living their life, not a clue you were there watching them.

the view was beautiful, the bright lights of surrounding buildings and car headlights, the silhouette of the skyscrapers miles away. "beautiful," you said, taking a light sip of your drink.

"it really is." the sudden deep voice startled you. searching for the source you were met with a man sitting on the fire escape above. adorned in a white tank top and shorts. he sat sprawled out, legs man-spread while a cig hung lazily between his lips. he gazed down and you gave a slight nervous wave.

"you must be my new neighbor," he said, huffing as he stood from his seat. taking a few steps down until he was right in front of you. pale grey hair hung over his even paler face. he was attractive, in a sense, but not your ideal type. circular glasses covered his upper face and the glint from the light prevented you from seeing his eyes. he gave you a broad lazy smile and leaned against the rough cement building, muscular arms crossed over his large chest.

"i suppose i am." you tightly clasp your glass in your hands. sure, he was cute but this could turn bad real fast.

"i live in the apartment next to you," he tossed his head to the left, "it's nice to meet you. I'm franken but most people call me stein." he motioned to the stitch scars that littered his body and you couldn't help but giggle a little.

"i'm y/n, glad to meet you stein."

the silence was filled with the business from below and before you could even say anything more or excuse yourself stein said something.

"this might be prying but what brings you here? as lovely as the view is people don't usually come to our building. it's expensive and far away from all the tourist traps." he chuckled at his own joke. the sound made your heart squeeze. screw what you said about him not being your type.

you thought for a second then took a big gulp of your drink. stein looked at you with confused amusement before you started. "it's a long story and i don't want to scare my new neighbor with the details." you chuckled though it was humorless.

"aww, c'mon now. this could be the start of an ever-lasting friendship." the clear sarcasm in his voice made you smile and you looked down at the rusting step beneath you. patting the space on the step next to you, you gave stein an expectant look. he chuckled again but obliged.

"I'll keep it quick. basically, my ex-husband was cheating on me throughout our whole marriage so i, of course, filed for divorce. the place we stayed at was in his name and there's no way i was gonna stay there so here i am. on the opposite side of town in a little apartment, with a gorgeous view and lovely neighbors." you both smiled at that.

"damn...i guess he didn't get the whole 'til death do us part' thing, huh?"

a scoff bubbled, "i guess not."

"y'know, i think the whole marriage thing is overrated. if you really love someone, why do you need a title to officiate it?"

you sighed and leaned back, an elbow propping you up. "it gives a sense of finality. i did think the same way but it makes you feel as though you're really stuck with that person for life, even if it is just a title. the only problem is... not everyone can take it. they feel trapped in a title and end up fucking up to prove to themselves that they're not really locked away."

you took another sip of your drink and he took a long drag from his cig. the smell took over your lungs and that's when you noticed the slight flower-y smell.

"are there flowers laced in that?" you asked, turning you head to look at him. now out of view of the lights you can clearly see his eyes. they looked cold, dead if you didn't see the amusement being tossed your way.

lord was he attractive.

"yeah actually. there's roses and lavender in these, almost balances out the cancer i'm inhaling." you nodded with a giggle and went back to looking out at your block. you took in a deep breath and so much filled your nose. the calm night air, the tobacco and flowers, the alcohol on your breath but also stein's cologne.

it was deep and potent now that you acknowledged it, but it was faintly mixed with what you assumed to be his shampoo. you let your eyes fall onto him again, looked him up and down shamelessly.

when yellow-ish green eyes met yours, your cheeks heated with embarrassment.

"well mx. y/n i think i'm gonna head in for the night." he got up with a huff and started back for the stairs. you hummed and watched him as he left. just before he could disappear into his own window he looked at you, glasses beaming off light with a small smile on his lips.

"i think your ex is an idiot. you're mesmerizing, there's no reason to cheat on you."

he quickly shut his window and you scoffed, getting into his previous position of a man spread and gulping down the last of the drink. let's hope you don't have a headache tomorrow.

stein on the other hand had dropped onto his couch dramatically. the brown velvet only added to the heat of his body. you were interesting, everything about you.

he wanted to know more. delve into every bit of your brain and body. dissect all parts of you.

 dissect all parts of you

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