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after about two weeks of consistent sex and dates, you and stein sat on your beloved fire escape. you were in his pair of shorts with a plane white tee on and he had on black sweat pants with a grey shirt. he blew smoke out into the night air and the both of you sat in silence, listening to the city around you. you didn't want to be that person but the thought of what you and stein were was weighing on your mind. you had just gotten out of a divorce so jumping into another relationship didn't seem like the best idea. that was a fact but just because it wasn't a good idea didn't mean you hated it.

you liked stein. romantically and platonically. he was a cool guy and you really like who and how you were when he was around. it felt easy and not at all rushed like how it was with spirit. you could definalty see yourself in an amazing relationship with the doctor but that was only half of it.

how did he feel? sure, he hung around a lot and seemed to be a lot nicer to you than others but what did that mean? he was so damn aloof you had no fucking clue. you'd cuddle and kiss him then he'd give you this fond and loving smile so you thought you knew. but then, like he could here what you were thinking, he talk about how stupid he thought marriage and shit were.

he'd told you about his ex, marie, and you were sure that was part of the reason but also, who were you to force and push him into something he didn't want to do? he was a great friend and you loved having him around. especially when mari was out for work but the two of you fucked on the regular. of course, you loved the sex, but that added extra depth and shit to your relationship. you weren't just gonna have him as a friend with benefits, what if you found someone else? then what? you'd just have to explain to them that the guy you spend most of your time with had also become the best sex partner you've ever had?

that was total bull and you knew it.

you let out a deep sigh and stein tossed you a glance.

"spit it out. what's the matter?" he asked, bringing his cig back to his plump lips that you've grown to love kissing. you stayed silent and just leaned your head back onto his shoulder with another sigh. you didn't want to say anything but at the same time you did. this was eating away at your mind.

y'know what-

"gimme a drag of that." you snatched the burning bundle from his lips and placed it in your own. with a long inhale you finally pulled it away from your lips, the smoke leaking from your nose. the rose and lavender were a nice added taste.

"you smoke?" stein asked, surprised.

"in college, i want to be cool." you chuckled, "it didn't last long tho. my sibling came to visit and threatened to tell my parents. let's just say i wouldn't be sitting here if they found out." stein chuckled and took the cig from you.

𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 | f. steinWhere stories live. Discover now