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you stood in front of the diner you hoped to never see again. spirit had brought you here for your first date and now, you'd be finalizing your divorce here. the irony left a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. it smelled the same, looked the same but invoked a different feeling within you. you saw familiar red hair and braced yourself.

"hi." you scooted into the booth seat and kept your eyes on the table. this was awkward and you were uncomfortable. you know spirit so you know that he is an emotional, petty prick who did this on purpose. to rub salt on an open wound.

there wasn't much to discuss and you really hoped he didn't want to make things complicated. the last thing you wanted was for this to be taken to court, it only brought extra stress and extra shit to pay for. of course, you could handle paying a lawyer or two but just because you're rich doesn't mean you wanna waste money.

"let's make this fast." he sighed, pulling out some papers from the briefcase be brought with him. you'd bought him that.

this is gonna be a draining day.


you were absolutely right. never before had you wanted to go home and just collapse like this. things had gone fairly well and even though you had to deal with the jabs spirit tried to throw at you, there was no real complaining. it would just take one more meeting and you'd be done with this.

the thought made your mind rejoice but your heart ache.

men fucking suck.

you jiggled your keys a bit before the door opened from the inside. your heart dropped for a second before you were greeted with lively blue eyes and dark locs tied into a bun.

"guess who's back?!" mira engulfed you into a hug and you practically melted right there. you hugged her tight and just stood there for a while, in the middle of your door way.

" ie, baby what's wrong? c'mon let's go inside."

one shower and crying session later you sat with your best friend in the living room eating take out. she had complained about her business trip and you complained about today and spirit. tears stained on your face and her throat sour from yelling the both of you eat in silence. you tv talked and flashed but you weren't paying attention. after today what you wanted was a deep, uninterrupted sleep.

"i'm gonna head out." mira said, grabbing her food box and keys. she was in a sweats and a tank top, no bag with her.

"oh yeah?"

" yeah i don't wanna drive late, y'know." she slipped on her sneakers and stood with open arms, waiting for a hug.

"you should thank me. i stopped you from buying any alcohol." you slipped into her arms and squeezed her tight.

"that's only cause you didn't want me staying over." you chuckled and waved her off before locking the door.

you stared at your place. dimly light, only the kitchen light and tv illuminating the space. blanket sprawled on the floor and two empty soda cans on your coffee table. eyes wandering to your window you got an idea and went to get a sweater.

tonight was cool, a chilly breeze pushed past your face as your retreated deeper into the warmth of your sweater. you half wanted stein to be out here. so you could relish in his smell and lean into his broad chest, get all the warmth you want.

you knew what your heart and mind was doing, thinking of him when you had no place to. you'd be doing something mundane like taking out the trash and your mind would flash with images of his skinny but muscular arms and perky pink nipples. you'd be just about to drift asleep when the smell of roses and cologne would fog your mind. with fatigue compromising your decency your mind would wander; what did his hands feel like? his warm breath on your neck. veiny arms holding you up while he pushed deeper into you, your back flush against the cool wall.

it was clear now that the universe liked to embarrass you because once you were finally out of your head, eyes focusing again, you noticed the man himself with his window up. his arm was hanging out of it with a cigarette hanging between his pointer and middle finger. you watched a while; how his hand came to his mouth, something you couldn't see, then the smoke that would blow out the window, going with the breeze.

"hey sexy!" you called, leaning back on your elbows. you laughed at the confused face he made when he looked out the window, his head now visible.

"over here." he turned to you and smiled, only slightly. he waved and you returned with an upward nod. he disappeared back into his window and you looked up at the sky. stars twinkling a dull white and planes flashing green and red as they flew by. the sound of heavy foot steps on metal made you look over only the see stein, now with warmer clothes, making his way over to you.

"what was the noise about? i could hear the yelling." your mouth opened then closed, a dry chuckle slipping out. he settled beside you and waited for an answer, grey eyebrow raised.

"long story short my friend came home from a business trip and i came back from seeing my fool of an ex. let's just saw we're emotional people." you both chuckled and you watched him pull out another cigarette from his pocket. you looked at it and noticed the lack of orange at the end. as well as the bulky-ness and cream color.

"did you get those from the store or..." trailing off you took in the questioning gaze he was giving you.

"of course not. i told you i put flowers and shit in this right? i roll them myself, kinda like a blunt but not." you drew out an 'oh' and went back to looking at the sky, the moon coming into view.

"its beautiful isn't it?" you whispered, lost in the glow and it emitted.

he looked over, drinking in the view before him. you leaning back onto a step, hands deep in your sweater pocket while you looked up, delicate neck exposed. hair still pulled back with a black headband and eyes practically glowing from all the light around.

"breathtaking." he said.

" he said

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