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you groaned and pulled your covers further over you. the ringing of your phone this early was incredibly annoying. slapping a hand onto your phone you dragged it to your ear and hissed a greeting.

"y/n! did you really divorce my dad?"

oh, you thought, it's maka.

"yes maka i divorce your sorry ass dad. what? is he crying?" the thought made you chuckle. him curled up on the couch- wait. you too the couch. you laughed harder.

"yes! he's crying so loud the neighbors are complaining and i have to be somewhere tomorrow." her exasperated tone only brightened your mood.

"well maka baby, that has nothing to do with me. have fun with your man-whore of a father! i'll call you when i'm not sleeping and we can catch up." with that you hung up the phone and put your shit on dnd. you knew she was gonna keep calling. with squinting, sand filled eyes you checked the time.

4:22 am



you stood in the middle of your new living room, eyeing the boxes around you. there was a lot more than you expected and on top of that, everything you shopped for before moving in. boxes and bags filled the whole space, you were just grateful the movers assembled all the big furniture already.

with mira being gone for the week and all your other friends living at least an hour from here you'd have to do this by yourself. that didn't sound fun at all. with a sigh you looked towards your window. just like that an idea and pale hair came to mind. you smiled to yourself and slipped on your slides. what were neighbors for anyway?

you stepped out into the hallway, making sure the door doesn't lock behind you, and shuffled towards the door to the left. that's where he slipped into yesterday anyway. now a little nervous you rose your hand to the door and knocked with force. he would hear that knock anyway in the house.

after a couple seconds of waiting the door opened and there you were met with a wonderful sight. a cig, again, hung from his visibly plump lips while he leaned on the door. no shirt, giving you a full view of pink perky nipples, and the shorts from last night. you sucked in a shallow breath and looked into his eyes. he had quirked a brow at your presence.



shit what was I here for again?

"um...do you want to help me unpack some of my stuff? it's a lot and I'm a little overwhelmed." you laughed softly and tucked your arms behind your back. a subtle nervous habit you had since you were little.

he observed you for a little, looking you up and down before nodding, leaving from the door.

"you can come in if you want. I'm gonna go find a shirt," he called behind him.

𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 | f. steinWhere stories live. Discover now