§ 81 - UNIQ : COME HOME §

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Caregiver : Uniq
Little : Seungyeon

Requested by animesweet16


" Good morning bubba... "

The oldest say hello to the little on the bed, the baby still sleepy and didn't response to the words.

Yixuan giggles and he kiss the baby's forehead, "Wake up cherry.. Did you forget what I told you last night hmm?"

The baby whining and moving around, he didn't like when someone wake him up in the morning.

"It almost 10am dear.. Wake up baby, you need to have your breakfast little one.. I've been slack off with your bed time last night eung?"

The little open his eyes and rolls over to Yixuan, "Yiyi... 🥺"

"Aww.. Good morning sunshine..."

Yixuan pick the baby and put him on his lap, little Seungyeon still sleepy and he fall asleep on Yixuan's shoulder for a good five minutes.

Once the oldest heard the whimpering, "Ready for today bub?"

"Eung.. "

He walks out from the room with Yeonnie and say hello to the rest of the group. It been months since they are gathering together after the second oldest enter the military.

"You sleep well last night pumpkin?", Yibo ask the baby.

But seeing the reaction, the youngest guessing the baby slip at age of really young. Not too young but he lose the verbal skills. 

The baby gurgle his own fingers making Wenhan startle, "No baby.. We don't put hand in our mouth.. It's dirty princess.."

Unable to say sorry directly, Yeonnie only pout his mouth and tears brimming on his eyes. Seeing that Wenhan feel sorry, " Wenwen didn't mad at you baby.. If you put your dirty hand in your mouth you'll get sicky and Wenwen don't like it baby.."

The baby sniff and look up to his caregiver before he wipes his tears with his fist and giggle, feeling good that his caregiver didn't mad at him. 

"How can I mad at you baby eung? When you're this cute! ", Yibo kiss the baby's cheek before he put a bib on the baby. 

The youngest help the little to have his breakfast while the other two members are cleaning the dorm. They might live separately but once a while they will pay a visit to the little knowing he always didn't have enough time to slip. 

"Yiyi Ge, do you already call Sungjoo? We might can prepare for a dinner before we pick him tho. Knowing how big eater he is, it's gonna take hours."

"What? Why don't we just have dinner outside? Much better like that Wenhan ahh.."

Wenhan chuckles, "Do you want the black incident to happen again?", eyebrows frowning waiting for the answer. 

Yenhan slap his own forehead, clearly forgot about the Jjajangmyeon accident caused by the little. They just turn their head for a few seconds when the waiter call out for the leader's name but little Yeonnie is way faster than them. 

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