Chapter One

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I have had this story in my drafts for a very long time now , i couldnt bring my self to upload it but i guess its now time to do so.. 

Just so you know Tommy is  5 years old when Techno finds him!

Techno's POV

I was just riding around with my Horse Carl , i was mining for a few hours and got food. I go out to mine really often because i dont have anything else to do and we are building a new base right now.

I was on my way back home when i heard crying

,,Carl hold on" Carl held and i jumped down , i walked to where the sound came from and he followed me , he's a really loyal horse i would say.

I didnt find anyone but it seemed like Carl did , he was behind a tree and i went to him

,,Found- someone.." I couldnt believe my eyes , i looked down and saw a little child , he had dirty blond hair with a little bit of pink , his eyes were ocean blue and he looked like he was here for a really long time.


Blood for the blood god

blood god

Kill the orphan

kill da child

I kneed down to him ignoring my voices

,,Hello , Are you okay?" I reached my hand out to him to pick him up and he flinched, when i saw him flinching i immediately took my hand back

,,Dont worry , i wont hurt you" I smiled , i normaly never smiled but its a child and i remember Wilbur always being happy when Phil smiled when we were still young.

The boy calmed down and crawled to me slowly , he tried to stand up but failed , i picked him up and hoped he wouldnt hit me or anything because he thinks im kidnapping him.

,,Do you want to come with me?" I looked at the little boy and he nodded , when we where on our way back to my house The little boy cuddled on my chest.

When we were finally there i got off Carl with the boy and feed Carl a carrot. I walked in the house and put my cape to the jackets

,,Hey Mate-" Phil said but he then just looked shocked at me

,,What?" I forgot i had a child on my Arm , Phil got out of his shocked state

,,who's the kid?" He asked walking to me to look at his injuries

,,I found him in the woods , he looks like he has been there for a while and hasnt eaten in days" i said worried , the boy looked so young and his parents just left him to die , how could they do this to a fucking child!? I layed the kid down on the couch near the fire so he could warm up , i gave him my cape and made some hot chocolate for when he wakes up.

I sat on the couch and looked at Phil who had the child laying on him , Phil noticed me looking

,,Im sure he will wake up in a bit Techno. Hes going to be okay" He smiled at me but I still looked worried at the boy.

The boy moved and yawned

,I'll let Phil handle it. He will probably be scared of me' I thought to myself.

The boy realised that he doesnt know this place so he jumped off phil and hid behind the couch

,,Wha-" Phil and I couldnt even react to what just happened. Phil tried to get the boy come out but he was to scared and always backed more away from Phil till he was on the wall and couldnt move anymore.

,,Techno can you try?" Phil asked me , the BLOOD GOD to try to get a CHILD to calm down.

,,Alright" I only said yes because the voices told me to.

Help kid

Kid crying

Child sad :(

help the child

he has voices to

hes panicing

help him calm down

Thats what the voices have told me.

I kneed down to where the boy went in to hide

,,Hey Little one. Remember me? I got you here earlier" I smiled at him , i tried to be kind and tried my best. He slighly came a little forward

,,Can you come here please? We want to help you. We wont hurt you , i promise" i smiled , the boy was still a little away but i could reach for him , he reached his arm out with his pinky finger

,,Pinky promise?.." You could hear in his voice how scared he was

,,Pinky Promise" i smiled and we conected the pinky promise for a second. After that the boy came out and sat on the corner of couch on the other end.

,,Whats your name?" phil asked the child , he looked at me and i nodded wich meant that he can trust him

,,T-Tommy..." He said quiet. I smiled at him but he still looked really scared

,,Well Tommy , can i bandage your wounds?" Phil asked Tommy and tommy nodded. Phil went to grap the bandages so i was alone with tommy for 5minutes  , we didnt say anything , he just looked out of the window to the forest i found him.

I looked there to see if there was someone but there was only the forest

,why is he looking at the Forest?' I wondered while Phil sat back down with the bandages

,,Ok Tommy , can you come here please?" He asked tommy smiling. Tommy stood up and walked to me wich suprised me

,this kid really wants to sit by me? Normaly every kid is scared and doesnt even near me' i thought again

He sat down besides me and leaned on me , Phil bandaged his wounds and while he did that Tommy started to tear up. I knew how much it must hurt , his wounds were all really bloody and looked really bad.

I tipped him on the shoulder and smiled  after Phil was done bandaging his wounds. Tommy turned to me and layed his head on my chest

,,You did great Tommy" I said and made little circles on his back , i could still hear him crying but he calmed down after a bit.

,,Are you hungry or thirsty?" I asked him and he slighly nodded , I looked at phil and he went to the kitchen.

He came back with hot chocolate and pancakes that i made for tommy earlier , he placed it on the table and sat down starting the TV. Tommy looked at the food and i could see how shy he was. He was to shy and nervous to just take the food so i gave it to him and smiled

,,Here Tommy , eat something" I said and looked back to the TV.

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now