Chapter Three

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TW : metion of Blood

Tommy was just 6 years old when he got his Wings , no one ever knew that he would be a phoenix or even have Wings like Phil.

They didnt know who his real parents are so of course they couldnt know about him getting Wings.

,,Dada!" Tommy was outside playing when out of nowhere his back started to hurt like hell , he screamed for Techno but he didnt come.

,,Dada!!" Tommy yelled 5 Times crying for atleast 5Minutes but he still didnt come.

,,Hey Techno? Isnt that Toms outside , he looks like hes crying and... hurt." wilbur said , they were in the kitchen and couldnt hear Tommy but see him from the Window , Techno looked out and when he saw Tommy crying , he ran outside

,,Tommy!!" Techno ran to him and pulled him into a hug

,,Whats wrong?!" He asked worried

,,I-It hurts!" Tommy cried and looked at Techno , It hurt to see Tommy , a 6 year old , crying in Pain and not knowing whats happening

,,where does it hurt theseus?" Techno asked calm

,,M-my b-back!" Tommy cried more , Techno picked Tommy up and walked in the house. Techno let him down on the couch

,,can you lift your hoodie and T-shirt for me Toms? So that i can look at your back" Techno asked smiling softly at Tommy , Tommy nodded and did as Techno asked him to.

Techno looked at Tommys back and saw little feathers looking out of Tommys back , they were red because of blood and a little gold

,,wow..." Techno said

,,What?.." Tommy was still crying and tried to calm down

,,your getting Wings toms, thats why your back hurts so much" Techno said calmly and picked him up

,,Where- Ah!!" Tommy screamed in pain and cried more

,,we're going to the bathroom , i can tell your going to bleed much , and so that you dont bleed everywhere your going in the bathtub" Techno said while walking in the Bathroom and letting Tommy down in the bathtub

,,im sorry!" Tommy cried and held his own hair

,,Tommy stop apologizing and dont hold your hair! your hurting yourself if you do this.." Techno said a calmly as possible , it hurt him to see his ,son' crying in pain while bleeding.

Tommy screamed more and more

,,please-e mak-ke i-it stop!!" Tommy cried

,,Im so sorry Tommy... only a few more minutes and you'll be done.." They have been in the bathroom for atleast 3hours now and Tommy couldnt take it anymore.

Techno saw him cry in pain and bleed while getting his wings for hours , he tried not to cry with Tommy , he looked at Tommys back and saw that his wings weren't even half out yet.

,,I'll be right back toms.." Techno said and left the room , he walked down and saw Phil and Wilbur come in

,,Techno is that Tommy screaming!?" Phil said when they ran in and saw Techno

,,Wh-Why do you.. have blood on your... hands" Wilbur said scared , did Techno hurt Tommy?! Was his thought

,,Tommys getting Wings! Hes in the bathtub so that he doesnt bleed everywhere and i cant... i cant see him hurt and bleed anymore! It hurts to see my ,son' bleed, scream and cry in pain and i cant do anything!" Techno said really fast but they still understood him

,,I know what to do , Wilbur you stay with techno and calm him down , i'll go to Tommy and take care of him" Phil said and walked upstairs to Tommy.

Wilbur and Techno sat down on the couch

,,Techno.. he'll be fine , i promise.." Wilbur said to Techno when he saw Tears slowly going down Technos face

,,I-I want to help him!" Techno said and hid his face in his hands , Wilbur huggeg him

,,I know.. i do too but we cant.. lets leave it to dad ok? He knows what to do and im sure Tommy will be fine.." Wilbur said softly.

,,Hey Toms.." Phil walked in and saw Tommy crying

,,P-Phil!" Tommy cried and looked to him , Phil sat down and gave tommy pain killers

,,Here , take these. They will help for sure" Phil smiled softly

,,d-dad a-aleady gave m-me som-e" Tommy said sobbing

,,These are different ones , trust me" Phil said softly and Tommy took them. After he took them the pain slowly calmed and Tommys eyes closed

,,i-im tired.." Tommy said while crying , Phil smiled

,,your wings are almost done, dont worry.. you can sleep in a few minutes" Phil said before Tommy screamed again.

The pain finally left his body and his eyes closed while he yawned , Phil cleaned his back so that he doesnt have anymore blood there. After he did that he picked Tommy up and walked to Techno and Wilbur with him

,,he's done now" Phil smiled and Tommy yawned. Techno jumped up and took Tommy from Phil careful to not hurt him

,,are you okay Toms!? you made me so worried!" Techno said hugging his ,son' , Tommy snuggled onto him

,,tired.." Tommy said and closed his eyes.

,,I'll go to bed with Tommy.. thank you Phil.." Techno said while walking up to his room ,he walked in , closed the door and careful layed down with Tommy. He wiped Tommys tears away while Tommy yawned again

,,dad?" tommy said and cuddled on Techno

,,what is it Theseus?" Techno asked and wrapped his arms around Tommy

,,thank you.." Tommy said and Techno moved Tommys hair behind his ear because it was in his face

,,Good night Tommy.." Techno said and also closed his eyes.They both slept but not for long.

after 4 hours Tommy woke up and looked around panicly

,,d-dad?.." Tommy cried , he didnt see Techno next to him and curled up in a crying ball , Techno woke up and softly rubbed Tommys back

,,whats wrong tommy? Why are you awake?" Techno said and yawned

,,dad?.." Tommy asked and looked to techno , Techno softly pulled him into a hug while laying down

,,Whats wrong?" Techno asked softly

,,i thought you left me!" Tommy cried

,,i would Never" Techno said smiling. After a while Tommy calmed down and fell back asleep.

has been done in my drafts since the 16th juli/july (idk rn)  :)

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now