Chapter eight

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its been a while since Tommy has been gone , 5 Months to be honest , no one searched for him because Techno and Dream said he didnt want to be found. at first no one believed them that Tommy didnt want to be found but when they showed everyone Tommys Letter everyone agreed to give him some time for now even if it was hard to believe that he ran away after all this time. 

,,Hey Phil!" Dream yelled when he saw Phil 

,,hey mate!" Phil said back and walked up to him

,,whats up?" Phil asked 

,,any news from Tommy? I just really need a sign of him that hes alive and well you know?" Dream asked and Phil sighed

,,sadly no, looks like he still doesnt want to be found" Phil shrugged 

,,yea looks like it" Dream sighed 

,,Hey you two , why so down?" Tubbo asked and smiled at them

,,tommy still didnt get in contact with us , we just hope for him to come back soon" dream said 

,,dont worry he will come back when he wants to , not the first time hes gone for so long" Tubbo shrugged

,,what? when did this happen already?" Phil and Dream both asked at the same time

,,After Techno yelled at Tommy he was missing for a few weeks , Dream and the others didnt know that because we weren't good with them yet at that time" Tubbo answered

,,Oh-" they both said

,,but you just said he was gone for weeks and it's been five months now" Phil said and Tubbo sighed

,,yea i know , last time he was gone for like almost a month and came back like nothing happened saying he was sick and had needed alone time" Tubbo explained

,,lets just hope hes okay" Dream said and they both agreed.

meanwhile with Tommy

,,Hmm where did my Wings take me to this time.." Tommy mumbled and looked around , he has been flying around for a while but made sure to find his way back ,home' if he ever wanted to. He had a compass that lead to Technos house so of course he will find his way back some day.

,,please don't see me.. please don't see me." someone wispered

,,hello?" Tommy looked around and saw something blond in a bush , he slowly walked to it and it ran away behind a tree , tommy did see it and noticed it was a kid/child

,,i can see you" Tommy chuckled

,,are you okay?" Tommy asked and hid his wings assuming the kid was scared because of his wings

,,g-go away!" the kid screamed looking at Tommy who kneed down

,,don't worry , i wont hurt you" Tommy smiled and the kid slighly started walking to him but stopped once he was infront of the tree 

,,I'm Tommy , whats your name?" Tommy asked 

,,clementine.." the kid answered

,,thats a beautiful name" tommy said and got something out of his bag

,,here , a flower , it matches your outfit" Tommy said and held a purple flower to clementine who took it after a while

,,thank you.." she smiled 

,,Where are you Parents kid?" Tommy asked

,,they told me to wait here!" The kid said with a smile not knowing what it really meant

,,do you know when they said that t you?" He asked already guessing whats really going on

,,it was really dark two times! But i didnt cry!"  She answered with a big smile and Tommy chuckled hiding the fact that he felt sad and sorry for the little child

,,do you want to come with me clementine?"  Tommy asked

,,will you hurt me?.." she asked

,,i would never" Tommy answered and she slowly walked up to him

,,promise?" She asked and Tommy smiled 

,promise." He said back and she nodded

,,okay i will come with you" she said and Tommy stood up 

,,thats great , are you hungry?" he asked and she nodded

,,here , we can get more at the next village we find" Tommy said handing here a bread , she took it and started to eat while they walked to find the next village

,,thank you!" she said and Tommy smiled at her.


,,Clementine dont just run off!" Tommy laughed , he has been traveling with Clementine for a few weeks now , they had found a village two days ago and were just walking around while clementine was running after a little baby fox she had found

,,clementine!!" Tommy laughed when she didnt stop running but than became more serious when he couldnt see her anymore

,,clementine!! Where are you!?" He yelled worried and got his wings out , he flew up in the air and tried to look for her

,,there she is" He sighed and flew down to where she was at the village fountain holding the fox in her Arms

,,clementine dont scare me like that!" he said and hugged her

,,sorry Tommy but look! i got it!" She smiled and showed him the fox when he let go of her

,,let me guess , you want to keep it?" he sighed and she nodded

,,fine , lets get a leash for this little guy so he won't run away i guess and give him or her? a name" Tommy said and they started walking to a little shop that had pet things

,,i'll name it... storm!" she smiled and Tommy gave her a confused look

,,why storm?" he asked as they walked in the store and started to look at leashes

,,because he's fast as a storm i would say" she smiled and he nodded

,,what about this leash?" he asked holding a purple leash in his hand 

,,yes!" she said and Tommy went  over to the guy who owned the store to buy it. 

After he bought it and had put it on the Fox they walked back to their little house in the village.

,,hey Tommy?" she said in a questioning tone as she sat down on the couch

,,what is it clem?"

,,do you have a family? you never told me" she said and Tommy stood frozen for a few moment before he smiled

,,I do.. yea" he said with a small smile

,,can I meet them?! and what are they like?!" she asked with a big smile and Tommy laughed 

,,go get ready for bed , its late and i can tell you about them as a bedtime story i guess" he said and she ran in her room to get ready. 

My Little phoenix that I regret leaving for so Long (Dadnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now